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The createaccount permission is not revoked properly when using extension registration
Open, Needs TriagePublic


When using the latest version of ConfirmAccount and activating it via wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmAccount' ) the createaccount permission for * is not revoked by default, allowing spammers to use the CreateAccount page.

image.png (284×820 px, 19 KB)

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CC @Legoktm

Seems to be an issue related to merging/overriding of config... This time with GroupPermissions

I guess this isn't a common case we see in extensions; them changing the default config of MW core extensions...

Reedy renamed this task from The createaccount permission is not revoked properly when using wfLoadExtension to The createaccount permission is not revoked properly when using extension registration.Sep 26 2020, 7:23 PM
Reedy added a project: MediaWiki-Configuration.