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WLM 2019 statistics is missing
Closed, ResolvedPublic


WLM 2019 is missing. It was working at Sep 4, 2020 when T262005 was created as it was used as an example for working url.


This page do not exist in the server. Be sure the address is correct.
If the problem precists contact the developers or create a task in Phabricator.

Expected result
Same as for WLM2020 and WLM2018. Working statistics page

Event Timeline

Hmm, it seems to be working now though I tested the url before I submitted the bug report. If it stays up then this can ticket can be closed.

Because of T264217 , several datasets disappeared and could not be recreated. I paused the general nightly update and triggered by hand update for a handful of datasets − including monuments2019.

JeanFred claimed this task.