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Wikiloves WLM2020 statistics are missing
Closed, ResolvedPublic


WLM 2020 statistics has not been yet created


This page do not exist in the server. Be sure the address is correct.
If the problem precists contact the developers or create a task in Phabricator.

Expected result
Same as for WLM2019. Working statistics page

Event Timeline

The configuration had been helpfully done by @Romaine (Special:Diff/446490283) ; I had forgotten I had disabled the general upgrade cron the other week when investigating issues with the Wiki Science Competition data...

Anyhow, it’s now there, and the high-frequency updated enabled in 3099ce3ede.

JeanFred claimed this task.

Thanks for the ping :)

Zache renamed this task from WLM 2020 statistcs is missing to Wikiloves WLM2020 statistics are missing.Sep 4 2020, 10:25 AM