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Load prompt in record page
Open, Needs TriagePublic4 Estimated Story Points


Load a prompt to display when visiting the record special page. This should be a random prompt for the users language.

We may want a different behaviour in the end, but this is a good start for retrieving prompts.

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I may change the prompt to be a label since having it as an input field is false advertising; it will never be editable. It should still be fixed size, at least vertically, (easily) selectable and prominent. This should be doable with CSS without too much hassle.

In the future, it is possible that you would want to have the prompt editable, to allow the user to go off script, but that not something we need for the initial use cases.

Changed the prompt to a normal paragraph element since there was some weird things going on with setLabel(). Label widgets may not be intended for these sort of elements anyway.

Change 662701 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sebastian Berlin (WMSE); owner: Sebastian Berlin (WMSE)):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikispeechSpeechDataCollector@master] Show pompt [WIP]

Sebastian_Berlin-WMSE changed the point value for this task from 8 to 4.Feb 11 2021, 9:36 AM