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Prepare and check storage layer for skrwiktionary
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The new wiki's visibility will be: Public.

Event Timeline

LSobanski triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 24 2020, 12:46 PM
LSobanski subscribed.

Thanks, let us know when the database is created, so we can sanitize it.

Thanks, let us know when the database is created, so we can sanitize it.

And this one got created as well.

Marostegui moved this task from Blocked to In progress on the DBA board.

This has been sanitized. I have tested the triggers creating my user.
I am now running a check data on labsdb1009, 1010, 1011, 1012 as well as clouddb1020:3315 and clouddb1016:3315

After that still pending:

  • _p database creation
  • grants for labsdbuser role for that database.
  • Private data check was clean
  • _p database created
  • Grants added
Database (skrwiktionary%)
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `skrwiktionary\\_p`.* TO 'labsdbuser'
Database (skrwiktionary%)
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `skrwiktionary\\_p`.* TO 'labsdbuser'
Database (skrwiktionary%)
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `skrwiktionary\\_p`.* TO 'labsdbuser'
Database (skrwiktionary%)
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `skrwiktionary\\_p`.* TO 'labsdbuser'
Database (skrwiktionary%)
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `skrwiktionary\\_p`.* TO `labsdbuser`
Database (skrwiktionary%)
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `skrwiktionary\\_p`.* TO `labsdbuser`

This is ready for cloud-services-team

Marostegui moved this task from In progress to Done on the DBA board.
Marostegui subscribed.

Reminder, the views need to be created on the new hosts too, so this would be:

labsdb1009 labsdb1010 labsdb1011 labsdb1012 clouddb1016:3315 clouddb1020:3315

@nskaggs this wiki needs the views too - pinging in case it was missed as there was a bunch of new wiki related tickets lately

Bstorm claimed this task.

This one is all set.

MariaDB [skrwiktionary_p]> select * from page limit 10;
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|       1 |              0 | پہلا_پرت        |                   |                0 |           0 | 0.772856056836 | 20201227084657 | 20201227084653     |       59999 |     2243 | wikitext           | NULL      |
|       2 |              8 | Sitesupport-