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Facilitate post bot run edits
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It would be good if it was possible to fix things after a bot run. It often happens that a few things aren't caught in dry runs.

Possible solutions

Some top-of-the-head solutions. One or more could be used. Some may not be viable.

  1. Re-run the bot, overwriting pages
    • This only works if no manual edits are made between the initial run and the fix run. Currently requires some temporary code hacks to not overwrite the wrong things.
  2. Manual edits
    • Not ideal since the idea behind the bot is to not have to do a lot of manual work.
  3. Replacing wikitext
    • Requires high precision since the bot would need to work with arbitrary strings.
  4. Rework templates to make editing easier
    • It is possible that the templates that are used by the bot could be changed to make editing easier. This may take a lot of work and make the resulting pages more difficult to work with, especially without breaking this new functionality.

Event Timeline

Re-run the bot, overwriting pages

I already have some code for replacing pages after first checking for manual edits.

I think that at the moment we use a mix of 1. (for multiple changes of the same type) and 2. (for only a few changes) and that works fine. I think this was written before it was possible to specify projects and subpages to process, and that's solved the biggest issue. Happy to close this, but will leave it for a bit in case of other opinions.

Lokal_Profil claimed this task.

The current situation is definitely more flexible than before. Think its fine for now