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Translation tool: The article does exist in the destination language
Closed, DuplicatePublicFeature


It would be good that the Content translation tool ( ) could suggest the article name of an article, when it exists in the destination language (i.e. in a list, it can use Apertum, but probability that the right name is the article linked to the concept / name in destination language is very high. For example, here in List of battery types to Spanish. The automatic translation "Zinc@–batería de carbono" is worse than the article name automatically linked in the translation "Pila de zinc-carbono", that already exists (it is not a red link) in Wikipedia in Spanish ( )

I have put this bug thanks to the suggestions I recieved in the Translation Tool talk page in Wikipedia.

Thank you a lot.

Event Timeline

Thanks for filing here @BoldLuis - can you be a little more specific on when something like this would be invoked? Are you wanting to use the translation tool to start an article from scratch on the destination project that already has an article (overwriting all of the prior content)?

Xaosflux changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Jan 8 2021, 2:37 PM
Xaosflux removed a project: MediaWiki-General.

When translating a page from another Wikipedia, using the Content translation tool . The page of the example, translated a list about batteries and included a lot of links to battery types. It would be ideal automatically include the article name as the label in the article (this is, the link in the list to [[:es:Pila de zinc-carbono]] this way [[:es:Pila de zinc-carbono|Pila de zinc-carbono]], instead of to the automatically proposed [[:es:Pila de zinc-carbono|Zinc@–batería de carbono]].

Would this issue be supported by the feature described in T197662: CX2: Quickly switch between alternative link label translations or are there other aspects not considered there?

After recent discussion we are merging the tickets. If this refers to a different issue, please let us know.