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WS Export: Temp pic, epub, and pdf files are not being cleared after use
Closed, InvalidPublic5 Estimated Story Points


The files in /ws-export/var/www-data are not being deleted after being sent to the client, and are filling the disk space unnecessarily.

find /ws-export/var/www-data -type f | egrep -o "\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" | sort -u | xargs -I '%' find . -type f -name "*%" -exec du -ch {} + -exec echo % \; | egrep "^\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$|total$" | uniq | paste - - gives:

.css    300K    total
.epub   195M    total
.lock   0       total
.log    50M     total
.map    4.0K    total
.meta   32K     total
.mobi   162M    total
.pdf    2.7G    total
.php    796K    total
.rtf    1.1M    total
.sphp   268K    total
.txt    3.5M    total

They've been deleted manually for now, to get things running again.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
ARamirez_WMF set the point value for this task to 5.Feb 25 2021, 6:20 PM
ARamirez_WMF moved this task from Needs Discussion to Up Next (June 3-21) on the Community-Tech board.
dmaza removed dmaza as the assignee of this task.Mar 10 2021, 4:47 PM
dmaza moved this task from Kanban-2020-21-Q3 to Needs Discussion on the Community-Tech board.
dmaza subscribed.

It doesn't look like disk space is filling up over time (if anything, it's going down), and the oldest file there right now is from Jun 24 02:44 (/ws-export/var/www-data/ws-c0_______1_-28975921566426.pdf) so I think I was wrong about this issue — it's just that there can be a long lag before things get cleaned up.

wsexport-prod01 disk space 180 days to 2021-08-24.png (720×1 px, 139 KB)