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Unable to share link to article via Apple Message if title ends with exclamation mark
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Mar 1 2021, 9:06 PM
Referenced Files
F34130618: cap.png
Mar 1 2021, 9:06 PM
F34130615: cap.png
Mar 1 2021, 9:06 PM
"Like" token, awarded by Jdlrobson.


For example, when pasting a link to the page! (about a Dutch TV series), the message gets split upon submission as a broken link and a loose message containing the exclamation mark.

This is presumably due to "smart" logic trying to separate the link from the (wrongly) assumed end of the sentence, e.g. if you were to say "Please go to <link>! Okay?" then this might make sense, I guess?

cap.png (238×798 px, 28 KB)
cap.png (460×454 px, 16 KB)

I'm reporting it on our end because I'm not sure there's a reasonable way for Apple to solve this, as it is indeed common and natural for people to talk with URLs and e.g. follow the link with a comma, full stop or exclamation mark as part of a larger sentence. And it's really us that are being weird by continuing to stick with these akward "almost display title"-like encoded URLs instead of something more interoperable involving slugs that avoid punctuation characters and/or consitently end the path with a slash or file extension (the bug does not happen for /wiki/Foo or /wiki/Foo!/ or /wiki/Foo!.html).

A possible solution would be to treat the exclamation mark similar to how we treat quotes and tildes (per T106793 and T105265).

NOTE: In order to make the above link, I also had to workaround a similar issue in Phabricator:!

⚠️! (exclamation mark not included, link is broken)

<!>! (works)

Event Timeline

ovasileva moved this task from Incoming to Triaged but Future on the Web-Team-Backlog board.
ovasileva added a subscriber: Jdlrobson.

I liked the idea of adding _ at the end of such URLs, to achieve compatibility with clients like this without changing our overall URL scheme (T257966#6314839).