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"Last updated" and "Wikimedia Foundation privacy policy" appear incorrectly in RTL languages on the Library Card Terms of Use page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If you set your language in the Library Card Platform to English and go to , "Last updated" is shown at the top left corner, and "Wikimedia Foundation privacy policy" is shown at the top right corner.

If you do the same in Hebrew, both are shown in the top right corner, without space between them. It can probably be fixed easily by setting a different float value.

(It would be nice to use some kind of automatic flipping for RTL, like core MediaWiki does with CSSJanus.)

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
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If you do the same in Hebrew, both are shown in the top right corner, without space between them. It can probably be fixed easily by setting a different float value.

This no longer appears to be the case, but I noticed we should be moving "Wikipedia Library Card Terms of Use and Privacy Statement" title to the right-hand side instead of keeping it on the left, I think. I filed T366046.