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It should be possible to rollback to an old revision where the editor was revision deleted
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Steps to reproduce:
For an existing article
Add a new edit, using account ABC
Add a new edit, using account XYZ
Use revision deletion to hide the account name from the edit made by ABC
Attempt to use rollback on the edit by XYZ

Expected result:
Possible to rollback, the hidden username is assumed to be someone else (to avoid leaking whether it was indeed the same user or not)

Actual result:
notvisiblerev - "The last revision by a different user has been deleted"
Even though its still possible to undo the edit, and only the editor associated with the last revision by a different user was deleted, not the revision text

See also: T358269: Rollback not working for revisions with a hidden username (when top revision has hidden username)

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
matmarex renamed this task from It should be possible to rollback to an old revision where the editor what revision deleted to It should be possible to rollback to an old revision where the editor was revision deleted.Apr 1 2021, 4:44 PM
Umherirrender subscribed.

This also happen when the edit summary is revision deleted and the user or content is visible, because the check of that bit field is wrong.

The success page of the action=rollback would show the user name as striked "user name deleted" text, so it seems supported and the error message should be shown when the content is deleted, because the current revision of a page cannot have revision deleted content. Maybe some rewording is needed for that message.