So I came across this weird issue on itwiki, and several other users confirmed it. On itwp we use File:Chessboard480.svg for chess diagrams. The template we use will set a fixed dimension of 208 px for the image, thus producing the following wikitext:
For some reason, this doesn't show up on safari (iOS or Mac). Instead, an empty square box is shown with a link to the image at the top (I might upload a screenshot later). You can verify the issue yourself by visiting this page: the first image is the broken one; the second one doesn't specify a fixed size and is shown on safari as expected.
The other weird thing is that issue seems to be image-specific and size-specific. That is, if I use another SVG file, it works (example), and if I change the original size from 208px to something else, e.g. 209px, it also works (example). Additionally, this issue doesn't happen 100% of the times. Sperimentally, it seems to be broken roughly 90-95% of the times.
My first guess would be a caching issue, but then I can't explain why it's safari-only. I'm not even sure what the appropriate tags might be here. Tentatively tagging SRE in case this turns out to be an issue with the caching layer.