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Enable AbuseFilter on French Wikibooks
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Consequently to our vote ( we need to install
AbuseFilter on the French Wikibooks please.
All administrators should become Abusefilters (a new group isn't absolutely necessary).

Thank you very much for your works.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:23 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz26142.

I could install it in less than one hour on my personal wiki and don't understand why this feature isn't two months after...
As it's not in the wiki spirit to overflow a team when the others watch, I propose to do the operation if someone gives me the IP, login and password.

(In reply to comment #1)

I could install it in less than one hour on my personal wiki and don't
understand why this feature isn't two months after...

Installing Abusefilter on the cluster is not hard, but it's almost completely different from setting it up on your personal wiki, because WMF's massive wiki farm setup has quite a few quirks.

As it's not in the wiki spirit to overflow a team when the others watch, I
propose to do the operation if someone gives me the IP, login and password.

I don't think you're gonna be given access to our servers for this.

Someone will do this when they get around to it, that's how shell requests are handled. Putting Rob on CC cause he typically does these.

Should be enabled with the same configuration used on the french wikipedia.

Bureaucrats are the only one allowed to add users to the abusefilter group.

We've got a problem from all computers and accounts:

I forgot to enable it. Should be good now:

wmgUseAbuseFilter :
+ 'frwikibooks' => true, // hashar 2011-01-22 bug 26142

Thank you, I've tested it successfully now.

Désolé pour le contre temps :)