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"Heading Anchor" or "HeadAnchor" gadget causes incorrect edit summaries when using the reply tool
Closed, ResolvedPublic


"HeadAnchor" gadget on Wikivoyage causes incorrect edit summaries when using the reply tool, as reported here:

The same problem can also be seen on with the "Heading Anchor" gadget.

image.png (2×3 px, 602 KB)

Event Timeline

ppelberg added a project: Editing-team.
ppelberg moved this task from Untriaged to Next Quarter on the Editing-team board.

The issue occurs because the gadget changes the 'id' attribute on the heading, confusing our code into thinking that it's dealing with Parsoid HTML, which has a different structure.

@Krinkle It looks like you're the maintainer of that gadget. I'd like to propose the following changes to it:

Thanks, I'll test/verify today. There's a lot of subtle bugs to avoid there that I haven't all documented equally well. But looks promising from a quick check. I think you've managed to find the one spot that used to be near-immutable but has been freed/obsoleted by a recent refactor.

matmarex moved this task from Code Review to Doing on the Editing-team (Kanban Board) board.


I also want to update the gadget on Wikivoyage. Looks like they took away my global interface editor rights again…

ppelberg added a project: Skipped QA.