I was following the guide at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Adding_Disk_Space_to_Cloud_VPS_instances#Cinder:_Attachable_Block_Storage_for_Cloud_VPS and attempted to create a 20GB volume named product_testing.
When I went to attach it to my instance it failed with a error in a popup I was unable to capture. The action_log of the instance (wb-product-testing) doesn't contain anything.
Checking the volume logs contains:
ID Message Level Event Id User Message Created At Guaranteed Until 34a2103d-3bea-46f6-bff2-588448dd375e ERROR VOLUME_VOLUME_008_012 create volume from backend storage:Driver failed to create the volume. 2021-05-06T10:46:31.000000 2021-06-05T10:46:31.000000 04e9d663-b5c8-4940-866f-affcb126ca8f ERROR VOLUME_VOLUME_001_003 schedule allocate volume:Could not find any available weighted backend. 2021-05-06T10:46:31.000000 2021-06-05T10:46:31.000000 6cddbd6a-cd02-4542-9356-93e019c1a8a7 ERROR VOLUME_VOLUME_008_012 create volume from backend storage:Driver failed to create the volume. 2021-05-06T10:46:16.000000 2021-06-05T10:46:16.000000 caddfd67-7040-4a1d-b0f0-eac01cf23186 ERROR VOLUME_VOLUME_008_012 create volume from backend storage:Driver failed to create the volume. 2021-05-06T10:46:01.000000 2021-06-05T10:46:01.000000 Displaying 4 items