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Organize Wikidata training for SCB [June 11]
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SCB would like to have some training about Wikidata. Talking with @Eric_Luth_WMSE about it, we could do it in the first half of June (possibly 10th or 11th).

1-1.5 h long. Need to find out what sort of data they are interested in and what their idea for the outcome of the training is.

Scheduled for June 11.

Event Timeline

Alicia_Fagerving_WMSE renamed this task from Organize Wikidata training for SCB to Organize Wikidata training for SCB [June 11].May 31 2021, 10:18 AM

@Eric_Luth_WMSE and me met 5 staff members at SCB. We introduced Wikidata, how it differs from Wikipedia, how it's connected to it, the data structure and the SPARQL endpoint. Together we looked at some SCB-sourced data such as schools in Sweden.

@Alicia_Fagerving_WMSE Please add a link to the Global Metrics report here.

please update if you have some SCB Linked data status....

please update if you have some SCB Linked data status....

Hi @Salgo60, could you clarify what you mean? What in the discussion that you are linking to is it that you think that Wikimedia Sverige (or do you mean SCB?) should respond to?

@Jopparn see also Bybrunnen I have also updated with more topics on the community discussion

I understand WIikimedia Sweden did a training for SCB please update Bybrunnen with what you think is the next step and also maybe what SCB things is interested in as a next step.... also if you know what other countries are doing would be great...

  • was it an initiative from SCB or from you and is there more plans... any people to contact?!?!
  • what kind of training was done and questions discussed...
      • some possibilities I see and challenges
          • I feel lesson learned from the LIBRISXL project is that we need to be more active to get things happening ...
          • I would like to see
            • better integrating the data from SCB with Wikidata
            • more properties in Wikidata that are related to SCB. I have e.g. created SSYK Property:P8654
            • better data from SCB compare how I have spoken with and that they now have "same as" Wikidata and we in Wikidata has a new linking model
        • maybe SCB data is a candidate for Can we get them to use it so we get SPARQL endpoints...
    • that we get better communication with SCB. Did you learn them to use Phabricator, did you speak about other tools to use....
    • I mentioned Abstract Wikipedia was that also presented see discussion I have also mentioned for SCB that we would like to see not just swedish pages and data from them see Kommuner i Siffror