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Adyen Checkout: add Adyen Checkout Production API endpoint to allow-list
Closed, DuplicatePublic


We will need to access the following API endpoint once we go live with the Adyen Checkout API updates.

Somewhat relevant:

Event Timeline

[frack::puppet] 63fad9a4 Add new adyen checkout APT hosts to ipset
[frack::puppet::private] 11dd935 Add new adyen checkout APT hosts to iptables

While doing this, we found a bug in the logic we are using for dns_to_ipset. It has a hard limit for how long a set name can be. When using long names like these, we would overrun and cause an error:

Jul 26 19:55:01 civi1001 /usr/local/sbin/dns_to_ipset[23725]: Error adding ipset ipset v6.38: Syntax error: setname '' is longer than 31 characters

Going to look at how to address this.

DStrine moved this task from Triage to Current Sprint on the Fundraising-Backlog board.
DStrine closed this task as a duplicate of Restricted Task.