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[Session] Wikidata Pink Pony Session
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Username or display name: Mohammed Sadat (WMDE), Lydia Pintscher (WMDE), Léa Lacroix (WMDE)

Session type: Discussion (including Q/A) - 55 mins

Date and time: August 13th, 12:00 UTC

Session Details

Short description of the session (~150 words):
Let's sit together and talk about all the wishes we have for Wikidata. This is where you can ask for your personal pink pony! New features, for Wikidata or the Query Service, support for other projects, external tools, all topics welcome.
See also the Wikidata meetup, at 8am UTC in the hackathon schedule: T288449

Target audience: Everyone interested in Wikidata, editing or reusing the data.

Additional resources: Etherpad to take collaborative notes

Event Timeline

My question of direction Mismatch_Finder : Wikidata MisMatchFinder why dont we have a staging area i.e. were we upload everything? As most external sources have no version history, no API its a mess to extract data and also to check between versions... just having a mismatch and not the change history I feel will be confusing....

Example I am now playing with the Nobel prize winner db see Notebook

They have a new API version 2.1 where they have a lot of same as Wikidata in the data also for birthplace etc... but they dont have version history i.e. if they have an mismatch in "same as Wikidata birth location" and will change that it will be very confusing when we dont have the history.... to understand why we have a mismatch... or why we have a mismatch that is "not a mismatch" (i.e. its corrected at the source....)

example json where I guess a mismatch will be confusing if the Nobel people change "Zelvas...."


"cityNow": {
   "en": "Zelvas",
   "no": "Zelvas",
   "se": "Zelvas",
   "sameAs": [


see also github wikidata-mismatch-finder/issues/57

@Lea_Lacroix_WMDE: Thanks for participating in the Hackathon! We hope you had a great time.

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    • If there are specific follow-up tasks from this session / event: Please create dedicated tasks and add another active project tag to those tasks, so others can find those tasks (as likely nobody in the future will look at the Hackathon workboard when trying to find something they are interested in).
  • In this session / event did not take place: Please set the task status to declined.

Thank you,
your Hackathon venue housekeeping service

Closing per last comment.