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Save local statements on local items while federated properties are enabled
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


As far as I know this is a feature that currently works fine:
e.g. from the test system:

{"entities":{"Q2":{"pageid":5,"ns":120,"title":"Item:Q2","lastrevid":7,"modified":"2021-08-11T08:10:30Z","type":"item","id":"Q2","labels":{"en":{"language":"en","value":"foo cat"}},"descriptions":{},"aliases":{},"claims":{"P1":[{"mainsnak":{"snaktype":"value","property":"P1","hash":"874d19e6a8080831f530365565a57dc9dd3ba463","datavalue":{"value":"cat","type":"string"},"datatype":"string"},"type":"statement","id":"Q2$158446eb-4a66-c356-6a79-3cd1e66bf622","rank":"normal"}]},"sitelinks":{}}}}

however right now these pages cannot subsequently be re-rendered (which is to be handled in T285293).

Within this ticket, we want to write some test case (probably in selenium) to ensure that the ability to save statements with local properties continues.

BDD Scenario: On an item page in a Wikibase with Federated Properties enabled
GIVEN I am adding a statement to a local entity containing a local property
WHEN I click Save
THEN I can view valid entity JSON from Special:EntityData/Q1.json

Note: Look at extensions/Wikibase/repo/tests/phpunit/includes/FederatedProperties/Api/EditEntityTest.php

Event Timeline

Tarrow updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tonina_Zhelyazkova_WMDE renamed this task from Save local statements on local properties while federated properties are enabled to Save local statements on local items while federated properties are enabled.Aug 18 2021, 12:18 PM

Change 713818 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tonina Zhelyazkova; author: Tonina Zhelyazkova):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] FP: Test saving local statements with feddy props

Change 713818 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] FP: Test saving local statements with feddy props