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XSS on
Closed, ResolvedPublicSecurity


Greetings, I found an XSS on one of the Wikipedia server endpoints."></SCRIPT>”>’><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))</SCRIPT>

the attacker could run javascript on the victim's account right after the authentication process.

POC Steps:

1 - Open the url

2 - send a javascript payload after the equals sign, and then the alert will fire


Risk Rating
Author Affiliation
Other (Please specify in description)

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from XSS Wikipedia to XSS on 31 2021, 6:43 AM
Aklapper added a project: Vuln-XSS.
Aklapper added a subscriber: Flominator.

Hi @Schanz111, thanks a lot for taking the time to report this!
I'm subscribing @Flominator who seems to run but I'm not sure how active Flominator is these days.

Just to be clear - this isn't hosted on Wikimedia production infrastructure ("Wikipedia server").

Doesn't it belong to your domain? could at least see if it is possible to fix the vulnerability

Hi, we (as in Wikimedia Foundation or affiliates) do not own the domain The domain is owned by @Flominator who is subscribed to this task.

Is there an easy way to fix this? I think I had a snipped somewhere, but I don't find it at the moment.

Is there an easy way to fix this? I think I had a snipped somewhere, but I don't find it at the moment.

Is this the actual code base: ?

If so, it looks like there are at least a few places where the $project variable is vulnerable to XSS:


At the very least, you'd likely want to sanitize those variables before they are sent to the browser by passing them to htmlspecialchars or similar, likely with the ENT_QUOTES flag enabled.

I'd also note that any other variables which are eventually sent to the browser that are derived from user data (e.g. from _GET, _POST, _REQUEST, _COOKIE, etc.) should be sanitized in a similar fashion.

sbassett changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
sbassett changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".
sbassett changed Risk Rating from N/A to Low.

Hello gentlemen, I am very happy that you have patched the vulnerability, I would like to know if it would be possible to rename it to some Wikipedia cybersecurity Hall of Fame

Hello gentlemen, I am very happy that you have patched the vulnerability, I would like to know if it would be possible to rename it to some Wikipedia cybersecurity Hall of Fame

As previously mentioned, since the affected code and website have nothing to do with Wikipedia or the Wikimedia Foundation, these vulnerabilities would not be eligible for the Wikimedia security hall of fame. I would suggest reaching out to the github code owner (@Flominator, FlominatorTM) and inquire as to whether they could credit you within an upcoming security release of the unaffiliated wikipedia_wbw application.