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Deploy PHP patch for DOM replaceChild/removeChild performance
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Please backport my patch to our custom PHP 7.2 buster packages and deploy it.

The patch was recently accepted into the PHP 8.1.x branch but the issue it fixes is constantly generating Parsoid timeouts in production, so it would be good if it could be deployed now.

Event Timeline

I've made an updated PHP 7.2 package with a 7.2 backport of

Not yet uploaded to, but

What's the best way to validate that it works as expected, shall I e.g. upgrade scandium (the Parsoid test host)?

Sure, upgrading scandium would be the best way. There is a test running there right now, but I can stop it if you want to upgrade it now. Otherwise, tomorrow morning UTC would work.

Sure thing, I'll upgrade scandium tomorrow morning then.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-16T08:04:48Z] <moritzm> upgrading scandium to PHP 7.2 backport of patch for enhanced DOM replaceChild/removeChild performance T291052

scandium has been upgraded. If tests are fine, I'd upload to

Thanks! I've started tests now. Will have results in about 10 hours.

Ack, I'll upload to on Monday.

Marostegui triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 20 2021, 5:03 AM

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-20T07:31:31Z] <moritzm> uploaded PHP 7.2.34-18+0~20210223.60+debian10~1.gbpb21322+wmf2 to (component/php7.2 for buster-wikimedia) T291052

We'll first roll out on our canaries and 5 parsoid servers, and continue with full roll out tomorrow.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-20T16:41:06Z] <effie> upgrading php on wtp[1025-1029] to 7.2.34-18+0~20210223.60+debian10~1.gbpb21322+wmf2 - T291052

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-21T13:18:52Z] <effie> upgrading php on wtp* servers to 7.2.34-18+0~20210223.60+debian10~1.gbpb21322+wmf2 && rolling service restart - T291052

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-21T15:26:15Z] <effie> upgrade php7.2 on app-canaries and restart service - T291052

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-22T08:46:11Z] <effie> upgrade php7.2 on api-canaries and restart service - T291052

Change 723545 had a related patch set uploaded (by Effie Mouzeli; author: Effie Mouzeli):

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] php7.2 images: include php7.2 patch (T291052)

Change 723545 merged by Effie Mouzeli:

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] php7.2 images: include php7.2 patch (T291052)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-09-27T06:13:18Z] <effie> rolling restart php-fpm in eqiad - T291052

jijiki claimed this task.

Just as a side note, the number of timeouts on parsoid went from ~ 5k/day before the change to ~ 3k/day or less afterwards. That's a 40% decrease in the number of timeouts, which is impressive.


This bug fix is definitely one of the reasons, but we also rolled out a number of other perf tweaks / improvements that Tim made in Parsoid itself in the same timeframe, so it is a little hard to disentangle the sources at this point, but, nevertheless, it is pretty good indeed.