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Meeting participant can't hear the others anymore after 15 minutes or so
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


What happens?:

We have regular team meetings for OpenRefine and StructuredDataOnCommons using (feel free to join our room at It's really nice that we can use this free and open service for this purpose!

However, every single time we've met, @Eugene233 at some point (after 15-ish minutes) couldn't hear the other participants anymore. We've always ended up switching to Google Meet (which gives no such issues).

It's hard to pinpoint what goes wrong, and probably not easy to reproduce. If anyone wants to help analyze what's going on, they would be free to join one of our meetings and observe where it goes wrong.

What should have happened instead?:

@Eugene233 should really keep hearing us!

Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc:

(will add asap)

Event Timeline

Can you tell me more about why only @Eugene233 can't hear? Is it a specific browser? How many people are participating in the meeting?

@Spinster: Could you please answer the last comment(s)? Thanks in advance!

Most meetings were with 3 people.

In the meanwhile, this issue has disappeared, it seems. Can't really reproduce where it exactly went wrong and was fixed - I think @Eugene233 indeed switched browsers?

Closing this ticket as invalid, or should we say resolved? If we see it happening again, I can open a new one. Thanks all for your concern :-)