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Chessbrowser-occupied-black/white are hard to translate
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


The messages chessbrowser-occupied-black and chessbrowser-occupied-white are "Black $1, $2" and "White $1, $2".

If I understand correctly, it will look like "White rook, A1" and "Black queen, A1". This is a problem in Hebrew and in some other languages. "Queen" is feminine and "Rook" is masculine, and the adjectives "black" and "white" change according to grammatical gender. Therefore, it's impossible to translate it well.

There's a similar problem in Russian: "rook" is feminine, but "queen" is masculine (long story).

The easy solution is to make a separate message for each chess piece. Luckily, there are only six pieces, so it's not too big.

Event Timeline

Change 724239 had a related patch set uploaded (by Wugapodes; author: Wugapodes):

[mediawiki/extensions/ChessBrowser@master] i18n: Improve piece-related messages

Wugapodes triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 28 2021, 5:49 AM
Wugapodes moved this task from Needs triage to In Progress on the ChessBrowser board.

Thanks for letting us know about this! It should be fixed soon, and please file more bug reports if other messages can be improved

TheDJ assigned this task to Wugapodes.
TheDJ moved this task from In Progress to Completed on the ChessBrowser board.

Change 724239 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ChessBrowser@master] i18n: Improve piece-related messages