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Ask, “Who are we leaving out?”
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From the Playbook: "Ask, “Who are we leaving out?” and incorporate either outreach or checkpoints later in the process"

Define user groups who may be unintentionally left out of our target audience, and define ways to include them. This may mean conducting user research or testing with these groups, asking for oral/written feedback, etc.

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[Copied from slack thread on this topic]

  • In the broad sense, we do exclude those that do not have technical knowledge or skill to leverage APIs and likewise for our initial scope, any API that is not written in node would not be supported in the initial release. We do plan to provide internationalization for reference documentation as to hopefully widen who can understand how to use our APIs. - @sdkim
  • Other teams/individuals at the Foundation who may have a stake or strong opinions on what this platform should be, or who may find use of it themselves whose voices do not get to be heard. - @nnikkhoui
  • Individuals who may not already be considered a "community" member, who may come across WMF-specific terms/concepts that they are not familiar with. @nnikkhoui

Solutions to alleviate the above risks:

  • Making sure we follow through on internationalization for our API docs
  • Making sure project Pre-Mortem includes as many important stakeholders as we can, to ensure their voices/opinions are accounted for
  • Making sure API docs have a "beginners mindset" for concepts that may not be obvious. Using Seve's Miro Map as inspiration for the docs guide