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query_limit setting fails with API:Info query
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Sample code (simplified):

site = pywikibot.Site('ro', 'wikipedia')
page = pywikibot.Page(site, result['page_title'])
if page.exists() and page.isRedirectPage():
    page = page.getRedirectTarget()
elif not page.exists():
    pass # DO stuff

Expected outcome: get the redirect target or handle non-existent pages

Actual outcome:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 420, in <module>
    if not main():
  File "", line 415, in main
  File "", line 113, in run_python_file
  File "./wikiro/robots/python/pywikipedia/localitati/", line 80, in <module>
  File "./wikiro/robots/python/pywikipedia/localitati/", line 64, in main
    if page.exists() and page.isRedirectPage():
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/page/", line 717, in exists
    raise InvalidPageError(self)

Trying to debug, we add a print:

$ git diff pywikibot/page/
diff --git a/pywikibot/page/ b/pywikibot/page/
index ee06a0203..fa52faec5 100644
--- a/pywikibot/page/
+++ b/pywikibot/page/
@@ -714,6 +714,7 @@ class BasePage(ComparableMixin):
         with suppress(AttributeError):
             return self.pageid > 0
+        print(self.pageid)
         raise InvalidPageError(self)


Sure enough, we had an AttributeError:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 420, in <module>
    if not main():
  File "", line 415, in main
  File "", line 113, in run_python_file
  File "./wikiro/robots/python/pywikipedia/localitati/", line 80, in <module>
  File "./wikiro/robots/python/pywikipedia/localitati/", line 64, in main
    if source_page.exists():
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/page/", line 717, in exists
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/page/", line 261, in pageid
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/site/", line 1107, in loadpageinfo
    self._update_page(page, query)
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/site/", line 1081, in _update_page
    for pageitem in query:
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/data/", line 2740, in __iter__
    yield from super().__iter__()
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/data/", line 2582, in __iter__
    prev_limit, new_limit, previous_result_had_data)
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/data/", line 2507, in _handle_query_limit
    self.request[self.prefix + 'limit'] = str(new_limit)
AttributeError: 'PropertyGenerator' object has no attribute 'prefix'
CRITICAL: Exiting due to uncaught exception <class 'AttributeError'>

Pywikibot version:

=== Pywikibot framework v7.0.0.dev0 -- Logging header ===                                                                                     [80/1812]
COMMAND: ['', '-v']
DATE: 2021-11-02 13:35:29.761891 UTC
VERSION: [https] r-pywikibot-core (28e31f9, g15398, 2021/09/21, 11:52:45, n/a)
SYSTEM: <anonymized>

Event Timeline

The raised exception is not shown in your traceback above. For debugging: which page is it or what is the content of result['page_title']?

Pretty much any page, I've encountered it several times. Just checked for [[ro:Cod:SIRUTA:136]], it reproduces

Pretty much any page, I've encountered it several times. Just checked for [[ro:Cod:SIRUTA:136]], it reproduces

Can't reproduce it:

>>> import pywikibot
>>> site = pywikibot.Site('ro')
>>> page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Cod:SIRUTA:136')
>>> page.exists()
>>> page.isRedirectPage()

Does clearing the api cache help?

Can't reproduce either. But I see self.prefix is not defined always. I suspect there was some unexpected API response that brought the PropertyGenerator to an inconsistent state. And maybe it's cached somewhere on your side.

Thank you for your suggestions @Xqt and @matej_suchanek . Unfortunately I am still reproducing the issue after deleting all __pycache__ and apicache-py3 folders, using the simplified example (see below) and commits 28e31f98dcc2b152fde16385172a49f721394ed3 and 758de7a513c061c1741d77b8a684d24bba2c5fd0 .

>>> import pywikibot
>>> site = pywikibot.Site('ro')
>>> page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Cod:SIRUTA:136')
>>> page.exists()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/page/", line 717, in exists
    raise InvalidPageError(self)
pywikibot.exceptions.InvalidPageError: Page [[ro:Cod:SIRUTA:136]] is invalid.
>>> page.isRedirectPage()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/page/", line 730, in isRedirectPage
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/site/", line 1194, in page_isredirect
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/site/", line 1107, in loadpageinfo
    self._update_page(page, query)
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/site/", line 1081, in _update_page
    for pageitem in query:
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/data/", line 2740, in __iter__
    yield from super().__iter__()
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/data/", line 2582, in __iter__
    prev_limit, new_limit, previous_result_had_data)
  File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/data/", line 2507, in _handle_query_limit
    self.request[self.prefix + 'limit'] = str(new_limit)
AttributeError: 'PropertyGenerator' object has no attribute 'prefix'

@Strainu: I think your code is mostly equal to release 6.6.1 but I have the same result with it and this code snipped works as expected for me. It even works with 6.6.0, 6.5.0, 6.0.0, 5.0.0. I've no glue what happens here. Either your code is different from framework somehow or the the Python or external packages produced curious results with the api call. What is your result?

$ python3 version
Pywikibot: [https] r-pywikibot-core (758de7a, g15553, 2021/11/03, 12:54:56, OUTDATED)
Release version: 7.0.0.dev0
setuptools version: 33.1.1
mwparserfromhell version: 0.6.3
wikitextparser version: n/a
requests version: 2.25.1
  cacerts: /home/andrei/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem
    certificate test: ok
Python: 3.5.3 (default, Apr  5 2021, 09:00:41)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170516]
Config base dir: /home/andrei/pywikibot-core
Usernames for family "commons":
        commons: Strainubot
Usernames for family "wikidata":
        wikidata: Strainubot
Usernames for family "wikipedia":
        ro: Strainubot
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Can't find this behaviour with that environment (Python 3.5.3, requests 2.25.1) :-(

@Strainu: Seems there is an issue with api edit limit restriction with your bot account. Could you please add the following print statements at the first line of _handle_query_limit method in :

print('>>> _handle_query_limit')
print(prev_limit, new_limit, had_data)
print(self.query_limit, self.limit)
from pprint import pprint

and start the isRedirectPage() test again. I got:

>>> import pywikibot
>>> site = pywikibot.Site('ro')
>>> page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Cod:SIRUTA:136')
>>> page.isRedirectPage()

>>> _handle_query_limit
None None True
None None
{'_count': 0,
 '_previous_dicts': {},
 '_props': frozenset({'info'}),
 'api_limit': None,
 'continue_name': 'continue',
 'continue_update': <bound method QueryGenerator._continue of < object at 0x000001FAF5891898>>,
 'continuekey': ['info'],
 'limit': None,
 'limited_module': None,
 'modules': ['info'],
 'query_limit': None,
 'request_class': <class ''>,
 'resultkey': 'pages',
 'site': APISite("ro", "wikipedia")}
>>> page.isRedirectPage()
>>> _handle_query_limit
None None True
1000 None
{'_count': 0,
 '_previous_dicts': {},
 '_props': frozenset({'info'}),
 'api_limit': 1000,
 'continue_name': 'continue',
 'continue_update': <bound method QueryGenerator._continue of < object at 0x7f529e17ca90>>,
 'continuekey': ['info'],
 'limit': None,
 'limited_module': None,
 'modules': ['info'],
 'query_limit': 1000,
 'request_class': <class ''>,
 'resultkey': 'pages',
 'site': APISite("ro", "wikipedia")}

Indeed, removing config.step from solved the problem. I don't remember why I added that, maybe it's an inheritance from old versions (I have that config file all the way back from compat branch :D )

Xqt triaged this task as High priority.EditedNov 7 2021, 11:41 AM

config.step is a valid setting but fails here because there is no inlimit with this info query. Thank you for your help to find this bug.

Xqt renamed this task from Calls to pywikibot.Page.exists() throw an InvalidPageError to query_limit setting fails with API:Info query.Nov 7 2021, 11:42 AM

Change 737196 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; author: Xqt):

[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Only handle query limit if module is limited

Change 737196 merged by jenkins-bot:

[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Only handle query limit if module is limited