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Fix wordmark for viwikibooks, strategy
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It is currently showing the wrong site-wordmark ("wikiquote") in the New Vector and Minerva skins

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Quiddity renamed this task from Fix smaller site icon for Outreach-wiki to Fix wordmark for Outreach-wiki.Nov 25 2021, 8:18 PM

This is also affecting the Vietnamese Wikibooks. Contrary to the table in T290091, rOMWCbf82bfb3ddcaff04a1e90abc435ccb26f792780c uploaded only a single en-wordmark.svg and used it for the French Wikiquote, Vietnamese Wikibooks, Outreach, and Strategy wikis.

mxn renamed this task from Fix wordmark for Outreach-wiki to Fix wordmark for Outreach-wiki, viwikibooks, strategy.Dec 9 2021, 6:12 AM

This affects the logo at the top of every page at the Vietnamese Wikibooks, either when using the mobile interface or when using the new Vector skin. It’s very confusing for readers to see the site branded with another site’s wordmark.

What's wrong with the logos for outreach wiki ?

Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 12.39.00 PM.png (204×1 px, 33 KB)

Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 12.39.08 PM.png (412×936 px, 71 KB)

What should the right logo be?

It was showing "Wikiquote" until recently. That part appears fixed now. :)

So is the issue just with Vietnamese Wikibooks? If so, I've moved T290091 into needs more work as that task hadn't been QAed yet. I think we can close out this ticket?

Quiddity renamed this task from Fix wordmark for Outreach-wiki, viwikibooks, strategy to Fix wordmark for viwikibooks, strategy.Dec 17 2021, 8:46 PM
Quiddity updated the task description. (Show Details)

And strategy-wiki. Those are the only reported problems, so yes, merge as needed. :)

Config patch 748214 (which is linked to original ticket T290091) fixes this for Vietnamese Wikibooks and Strategy Wiki.