shows a schema drift for:
Mismatching field nullability of recentchanges.rc_params
on s1, s2
The field was set to nullable with rMW79eb0fe88d35aac3dce2b6fbefc652b123414066
There is no ready ALTER statement in the commit history.
ALTER TABLE /*_*/recentchanges CHANGE rc_params rc_params BLOB DEFAULT NULL;
- ALTERs to run: see above
- Where to run those changes: s1, s2 - list of wikis needs to be created
- When to run those changes: any time
- If the schema change is backwards compatible: Yes
- If the schema change has been tested already on some of the test/beta wikis: beta cluster is running with the new schema
- if the data should be made available on the labs replicas and/or dumps: no change of the existing rules
- s1
- s2