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Delete Selenium tests in phabricator/deployment
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@mmodell is not using the tests. To simplify the mainainace of the framework (for example T256626: Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode and T274579: Upgrade WebdriverIO to v7 in all repositories) let's delete the tests from phabricator/deployment. We can recreate them if they are needed in the future.

Event Timeline

zeljkofilipin updated the task description. (Show Details)
zeljkofilipin moved this task from Backlog 🪒 to Deep work 🌊 on the User-zeljkofilipin board.
zeljkofilipin added a subscriber: mmodell.

Change 753449 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zfilipin; author: Zfilipin):

[phabricator/deployment@wmf/stable] selenium: Delete all tests

Change 753449 merged by 20after4:

[phabricator/deployment@wmf/stable] selenium: Delete all tests

zeljkofilipin claimed this task.