Translate extension needs the response body the detect the type of error with translation memory suggestions. It works with apparently.
Version: 1.18.x
Severity: normal
Nikerabbit | |
Mar 7 2011, 8:29 PM |
F7447: http.diff | |
Nov 21 2014, 11:24 PM |
Translate extension needs the response body the detect the type of error with translation memory suggestions. It works with apparently.
Version: 1.18.x
Severity: normal
I'm struggling to reproduce this.
header( "ERROR: I'm a teapot!", true, 418 );
echo 'teapot!';
See below. Output from execute is hacked in on the read....
$req = MWHttpRequest::factory( "", $options );
$status = $req->execute();
var_dump( $status );
object(Status)#14 (7) {
["ok"]=> bool(false) ["value"]=> int(100) ["successCount"]=> int(0) ["failCount"]=> int(0) ["success"]=> array(0) { } ["errors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["type"]=> string(5) "error" ["message"]=> string(15) "http-bad-status" ["params"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "418" [1]=> string(6) "unused" } } } ["cleanCallback"]=> bool(false)
var_dump( $req->getContent() );
string(7) "teapot!"
I also can not reproduce (tried with 404 page).
The Http::get wrapper won't return content for non-200 pages it seems, but MWHttpRequest::factory seems to work fine.
Created attachment 8299
patch to still get response body for non-200 response codes
After discussion on irc, turns out the issue is in PhpHttpRequest, not CurlHttpRequest.
Here's a patch that should in theory fix it, and does fix it for Nikerabbit, but doesn't work for me :(
I'm not entirely sure whats going on, but I get http-read-errors (aka $fh is null) for any request that isn't a 200.
Well, the Curl works now on twn, I don't know why it didn't earlier (I maybe the server needs multiple restarts for it to take action). I switched manually to php version to test the patch.
That's possible, I know the webservers need bouncing after PHP modules etc are added...
If it works, it might aswell be applied minus the var_dump() and closed...