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Design a user testing plan for Codex Alpha
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Design a plan for how we want to approach Codex alpha testing:

  • Explains what the prototype that we are testing is attempting to do
  • Defines the scope of the tests and steps involved
  • Sets clear expectations around collaboration between teams
  • Provides instructions to submit feedback

Planning documents

DST x Alpha Test Plan

To do before study can begin

  • Identify team(s) to participate in alpha testing
  • Have a stable alpha build of Codex
  • Have a stable alpha build of the Figma file
  • Set up support channel in Slack
  • Create diary entry on Google Forms
  • Set up kickoff meeting
  • Set up Design strategy meeting (not needed)
  • Set up Engineering strategy meeting (not needed)

To do after the study has begun

  • Collect weekly diaries (collected through March 2022)

Event Timeline

STH renamed this task from Formalize process for new Codex partnerships and explorations to Design a user testing plan for Codex Alpha.Feb 17 2022, 9:37 PM
STH updated the task description. (Show Details)

I've updated the task description with relevant docs and a checklist for things that we need to do before we officially start the study.

STH updated the task description. (Show Details)