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OverrideUcfirstCharacters not in public settings
Closed, InvalidPublicFeature


Feature summary:

I was looking into to find OverrideUcfirstCharacters configuration for Wikimedia Commons, but I could not find it. I found it in this paste for English Wikipedia, so I assume one is also set on Wikimedia Commons, but it is unclear what it is. It would be great if it would be made public.

Use case(s): I am trying to minimize the amount of API calls I made so I would like to locally normalize all links/references to Mediawiki Commons files. It looks like to fully reimplement ucfirst locally, I need OverrideUcfirstCharacters map, which is not available in the code but is in settings.

Benefits: I think it is generally beneficial to have all (non-sensitive) settings public and open source. I think it is great that operations-mediawiki-config exist, but it looks like it is not complete.

Event Timeline

I would say related, because I am asking for gets to be updated (it is just a static setting, no?), and not for an API. API would be cool, too.

This comment was removed by Mitar.

Oh, the custom $wgOverrideUcfirstCharacters were removed in - they're no longer used on Wikimedia sites. If it's not in that Git repo, it's not deployed basically.

Oh, thanks. That is good to now. This resolves things for me.

Mitar claimed this task.
Aklapper changed the task status from Resolved to Invalid.Feb 15 2022, 10:14 AM
Aklapper removed Mitar as the assignee of this task.

(not resolved; adjusting status)

But PHP ucfirst in includes/language/Language.php does make it upper case:

We're still running PHP 7.2, some of the ucfirst bugs were fixed in 7.3. See which shows the difference across PHP versions.

Oh, what will then happen when you upgrade PHP? Is there a ticket to track about it and issues related to title names because of it? So then upgrade will change title of the page I linked above.