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CentralAuth expiring global groups do not expire (CVE-2022-28205)
Closed, ResolvedPublicSecurity



earlier today, I was alerted by @Superpes15 that his temporarily granted global group (Abuse filter helpers) that is supposed to expire on 12:39, 20 February 2022 (slightly over 24 hours as of writing) is still shown at

Worse, MW apparently thinks Superpes15 is still in the group:

[urbanecm@mwmaint1002 ~]$ mwscript shell.php enwiki
Psy Shell v0.11.1 (PHP 7.2.34-18+0~20210223.60+debian10~1.gbpb21322+wmf5 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> User::newFromName('Superpes15')->isAllowed('abusefilter-view-private')
=> true
>>> User::newFromName('Superpes15')->isAllowed('abusefilter-log-private')
=> true
>>> only shows the "Global rollbacker" group, as it should:

image.png (717×852 px, 47 KB)

I'm intentionally not trying to fix the group membership for Superpes15's account, as Superpes15 is trusted enough to have the rights for a couple of more days/hours and it might make it easier for us to debug the issue.

CC @Majavah, who created the feature.

Event Timeline

taavi added a subscriber: Zabe.

I suspect this is a caching issue. CentralAuthUser is supposed to ensure any user data cache TTLs are maxed at the closest user group expiry (see CentralAuthUser::loadFromCache and CentralAuthUser::getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry).

While debugging this I found some very strange behaviour:

taavi@mwmaint1002 ~ $ mwscript shell.php metawiki
Psy Shell v0.11.1 (PHP 7.2.34-18+0~20210223.60+debian10~1.gbpb21322+wmf5 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> User::newFromName('Superpes15')->isAllowed('abusefilter-view-private')
=> true
>>> ^D
Exit:  Ctrl+D
taavi@mwmaint1002 ~ $ mwscript shell.php metawiki
Psy Shell v0.11.1 (PHP 7.2.34-18+0~20210223.60+debian10~1.gbpb21322+wmf5 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> \Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( \MediaWiki\Extension\CentralAuth\User\CentralAuthUser::getInstanceByName( 'Superpes15' ) )->getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry()
=> null
>>> User::newFromName('Superpes15')->isAllowed('abusefilter-view-private')
=> false
>>> ^D
Exit:  Ctrl+D
>>> $cache->get( $user->getCacheKey( $cache ) )['mGroupExpirations']
=> [
     "abusefilter-helper" => "20220220113921",
     "global-rollbacker" => null,

Something's going very wrong here, since even the original TTL is set to a day (and the logic I mentioned above can only shorten it), as if something was just ignoring it.

Do we need to patch CentralAuth to ignore any cache entries that contain user groups that expire in the past?

I confirm that weird behavior referenced at T302248#7726529. CentralAuthUser::getInstance($u)->getGlobalRights() "sometimes" return the wrong set of permissions for Superpes. getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry() returns non-null.

[urbanecm@mwmaint1002 ~]$ mwscript shell.php dewiki
Psy Shell v0.11.1 (PHP 7.2.34-18+0~20210223.60+debian10~1.gbpb21322+wmf5 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> $u = User::newFromName('Superpes15')
=> User {#3306
     +mId: null,
     +mName: "Superpes15",
     +mActorId: null,
     +mRealName: null,
     +mEmail: null,
     +mTouched: null,
     +mEmailAuthenticated: null,
     +mFrom: "name",
     +mBlockedby: -1,
     +mHideName: null,
     +mBlock: null,
>>> $u->isAllowed('abusefilter-view-private')
=> true
>>> use MediaWiki\Extension\CentralAuth\User\CentralAuthUser
>>> $cu = CentralAuthUser::getInstance($u)
=> MediaWiki\Extension\CentralAuth\User\CentralAuthUser {#3365
     +mStateDirty: false,
     +mHomeWiki: "itwiki",
>>> $cu->getGlobalRights()
=> [
>>> sudo $cu->getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry()
=> 1645357161

re-running the same snippet in a new shell.php session works as expected (w/o the additional rights being allowed). So...apparently, cache gets updated, but after it is consumed?

In T302248#7726551, @Majavah wrote:
>>> $cache->get( $user->getCacheKey( $cache ) )['mGroupExpirations']
=> [
     "abusefilter-helper" => "20220220113921",
     "global-rollbacker" => null,

Something's going very wrong here, since even the original TTL is set to a day (and the logic I mentioned above can only shorten it), as if something was just ignoring it.

CentralAuthUser::loadFromCache uses the following code to set the TTL:

$closestGugExpiry = $this->getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry();
if ( $closestGugExpiry ) {
	$ttl = min( time() - $closestGugExpiry, $ttl );

AFAICS time() - $closestGugExpiry is going to be negative when getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry returns a timestamp that's in the future. If I understand the path correctly, it ends up setting a negative TTL since $closestGugExpiry is expected to be in the future (and I'm not sure how are negative TTLs treated by core).

In T302248#7726551, @Majavah wrote:
>>> $cache->get( $user->getCacheKey( $cache ) )['mGroupExpirations']
=> [
     "abusefilter-helper" => "20220220113921",
     "global-rollbacker" => null,

Something's going very wrong here, since even the original TTL is set to a day (and the logic I mentioned above can only shorten it), as if something was just ignoring it.

CentralAuthUser::loadFromCache uses the following code to set the TTL:

$closestGugExpiry = $this->getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry();
if ( $closestGugExpiry ) {
	$ttl = min( time() - $closestGugExpiry, $ttl );

AFAICS time() - $closestGugExpiry is going to be negative when getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry returns a timestamp that's in the future. If I understand the path correctly, it ends up setting a negative TTL since $closestGugExpiry is expected to be in the future (and I'm not sure how are negative TTLs treated by core).

Yeah, that definetly doesn't seem correct. It also is the other way around in core:

Not sure if that is the only issue, but it definetly seems worth fixing.

Proposed patch:


In T302248#7728138, @Majavah wrote:


Thanks. SAL. Also tracking at T276237 and T297839.

This problem seems to have fixed itself in production in the meantime:

>>> $users = CentralAuthServices::getDatabaseManager()->getCentralDB( DB_REPLICA )->selectFieldValues(  'global_user_groups', 'gug_user', [ 'gug_expiry < now()', 'gug_group' => 'abusefilter-helper' ] );
=> [
>>> foreach ( $users as $id ) { var_dump( in_array( 'abusefilter-view-private', \MediaWiki\Extension\CentralAuth\User\CentralAuthUser::newFromId( (int)$id )->getGlobalRights() ) ); }
>>> User::newFromName( 'Superpes15' )->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-view-private' )
=> false

With the above fix deployed, is there anything left to do here?

Thanks. SAL. Also tracking at T276237 and T297839.

Note that this feature didn't make it into a release branch yet.

In T302248#7730003, @Majavah wrote:

This problem seems to have fixed itself in production in the meantime:

>>> $users = CentralAuthServices::getDatabaseManager()->getCentralDB( DB_REPLICA )->selectFieldValues(  'global_user_groups', 'gug_user', [ 'gug_expiry < now()', 'gug_group' => 'abusefilter-helper' ] );
=> [
>>> foreach ( $users as $id ) { var_dump( in_array( 'abusefilter-view-private', \MediaWiki\Extension\CentralAuth\User\CentralAuthUser::newFromId( (int)$id )->getGlobalRights() ) ); }
>>> User::newFromName( 'Superpes15' )->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-view-private' )
=> false

With the above fix deployed, is there anything left to do here?

I think ensure it was the cause. We should probably discuss the hardening you described at T302248#7726551 (I'm not sure about it; on one hand, it decreases the probability of this happening again, but it also makes it harder to fix the actual error in the code).

With the above fix deployed, is there anything left to do here?

I think ensure it was the cause. We should probably discuss the hardening you described at T302248#7726551 (I'm not sure about it; on one hand, it decreases the probability of this happening again, but it also makes it harder to fix the actual error in the code).

Yes, that. But assuming things have been fixed well enough for now, there's no reason why this task couldn't be made public (I'm not seeing any obvious PII or sensitive info) and the backports pushed through gerrit so that the patch lands on a proper release branch next week, or whenever. Otherwise that will definitely happen once the next supplemental security release is sent out towards the end of March 2022.

In T302248#7726551, @Majavah wrote:
>>> $cache->get( $user->getCacheKey( $cache ) )['mGroupExpirations']
=> [
     "abusefilter-helper" => "20220220113921",
     "global-rollbacker" => null,

Something's going very wrong here, since even the original TTL is set to a day (and the logic I mentioned above can only shorten it), as if something was just ignoring it.

Do we need to patch CentralAuth to ignore any cache entries that contain user groups that expire in the past?

This seems like a good hardening measure to me, rather than relying on how well cache expiry works.

Yes, that. But assuming things have been fixed well enough for now, there's no reason why this task couldn't be made public (I'm not seeing any obvious PII or sensitive info) and the backports pushed through gerrit so that the patch lands on a proper release branch next week, or whenever. Otherwise that will definitely happen once the next supplemental security release is sent out towards the end of March 2022.

I added a temporary global group to my alt account ( I plan to check tomorrow the group disappeared. We don't have exact ways to reproduce unfortunately, but it's at least something :).

In T302248#7726551, @Majavah wrote:

Do we need to patch CentralAuth to ignore any cache entries that contain user groups that expire in the past?

This seems like a good hardening measure to me, rather than relying on how well cache expiry works.

Proposed patch:

In T302248#7731921, @Majavah wrote:

Proposed patch:

-1, getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry returns null for users without temporary groups, resulting in their groups being reloaded in every request.

-1, getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry returns null for users without temporary groups, resulting in their groups being reloaded in every request.

Thanks, fixed.

In T302248#7731951, @Majavah wrote:

-1, getClosestGlobalUserGroupExpiry returns null for users without temporary groups, resulting in their groups being reloaded in every request.

Thanks, fixed.


There is a typo in the @param statement, but that doesn't matter too much, since it is a sec patch.

In T302248#7731951, @Majavah wrote:

Thanks, fixed.


Deployed too. I'll fix that typo when pushing these to Gerrit.

Yes, that. But assuming things have been fixed well enough for now, there's no reason why this task couldn't be made public (I'm not seeing any obvious PII or sensitive info) and the backports pushed through gerrit so that the patch lands on a proper release branch next week, or whenever. Otherwise that will definitely happen once the next supplemental security release is sent out towards the end of March 2022.

Sounds good. The hardening patch also added log message that should warn us if this is happening again (at least the only known case was a caching issue, I really hope there aren't any other logic bugs here). I don't think there's much exploitable if this is made public, as an attacker would need to temporarily get added to global group by a steward in the first place.

sbassett changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".Feb 23 2022, 9:17 PM
sbassett changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".
sbassett changed Risk Rating from N/A to Low.
In T302248#7732141, @Majavah wrote:

Deployed too. I'll fix that typo when pushing these to Gerrit.


Sounds good. The hardening patch also added log message that should warn us if this is happening again (at least the only known case was a caching issue, I really hope there aren't any other logic bugs here). I don't think there's much exploitable if this is made public, as an attacker would need to temporarily get added to global group by a steward in the first place.

This is now public, so we can get the backports going in gerrit.

Change 765335 had a related patch set uploaded (by SBassett; author: Zabe):

[mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth@master] SECURITY: Fix ttl for groups expiring in the future

Change 765336 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zabe; author: Majavah):

[mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth@master] SECURITY: Ignore cached CentralAuthUser entries with expired groups

Change 765335 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth@master] SECURITY: Fix ttl for groups expiring in the future

Change 765336 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth@master] SECURITY: Ignore cached CentralAuthUser entries with expired groups

Zabe claimed this task.
Zabe removed a project: Patch-For-Review.
sbassett renamed this task from CentralAuth expiring global groups do not expire to CentralAuth expiring global groups do not expire (CVE-2022-28205).Mar 30 2022, 7:20 PM