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Lookup functionality
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points


as an engineer
I want the lookup functionality to be the same for all times its used
so that don't accidentally recreate the wheel



  • Wikit includes lookup, but the api service will need to be plugged into it
  • Query builder did this before, check that :)

Event Timeline

karapayneWMDE set the point value for this task to 8.

Task Breakdown:

  • Right now both of these fields are text inputs, the job is to convert them to lookups using the Wikit Lookup component (See usage example in Query Builder [LINK TBD])

Potential Plan of Action:

  1. Inject MediaWiki API client to vue app
  2. Get (item data) into the component through the VueX store
  3. Use the lookup component in & data fetching action in (on input and scroll events):
    • Language input wrapper component T298139
    • Lexical Category input wrapper component T298149