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Error when logging out via API
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • Log in with Extension:SimpleSAMLphp
  • Click the log out button in Vector-skin

What happens?:
An error message is displayed:

Could not connect to the server. Make sure you have a working internet connection and try again.

image.png (149×398 px, 10 KB)

image.png (109×1 px, 32 KB)

What should have happened instead?:
The logout should be performed without a confusing error message.

Software version:

  • MW Core 1.35+
  • Extension:PluggableAuth 5.x
  • Extension:SimpleSAMLphp 4.x

For details see

Event Timeline

Osnard triaged this task as Medium priority.


I can confirm this issue also occurs with other IdPs and that it is actually related to T222626, which performs logout via an XHR to the "logout" action API. SAML is not build to work with XHRs at all. It relies on a regular HTTP redirect workflow, which doesn't go well with XHR calls. If you access "Special:UserLogout" manually and submit the form, everything will work just fine.

A quick workaround could be to knock out the code at /resources/src/, e.g. by JavaScript like $( '#pt-logout a[data-mw="interface"]' ).off( 'click' ); in "MediaWiki:Common.js".

Of course this is not a good solution, as the user will also be asked to confirm the logout on "Special:UserLogout".


When you disable the XHR call you won‘t be logged out from the IDP…
On the Special Logout Page you only log out from MediaWiki.
This generate a possible security problem.
It is necessary to call the SLO URL from the Browser for a complete logout from all IDPs and that‘s the problem.

Btw: The most IDPs doesn‘t have implementend the ‚http-post‘ SLO :/

Best regards,

Thanks for this hint. Actually this is an issue, that is probably similar to / the same as T246350.

Thing is, we actually invoke the "deauthenticate" method of the SimpleSAMLphp SP endpoint [1][2], which - theoretically - should execute the SLO as defined by the IdP metadata.
I didn't have time to properly debug this.


@Osnard no it is not the same problem, in that case we can not logout from SAML IDP and in the other case we can not logout from Wiki ;)
We are doing all right, but because in most cases the SLO Url from SimpleSAMLphp SP Endpoint has mostly implemented the "redirect" method, thats a problem.
To work correctly a "Http-Post" method has to be implemented by the IDP, which is not done in most cases .
So we call an Endpoint which do a lot of redirects, and you know a XHR Call has massive troubles to follow redirects. In most cases there is also content which needs to be executed in the browser in the different redirect stages.
The only thing we can make this beast work is to disable the XHR Call to the API and call the Endpoint with an ordinary html link, so we can eat some popcorn and endy the redirects until an exodus and viola we are logged out ;)

Probably not. As @Yomagntho describes, the issue is that the new XHR based logout does not got well with the SAML SLO in general. As the XHR will not properly handle the "reditect-workflow" of SAML SLO.

I believe the only proper solution will be to create a dedicated Special:SimpleSAMLphpLogout page that works like Special:Logout, but does not require the explicit click of a "Logout" button. And then we need to modify the logout link in personal_ulrs.

Change 791044 had a related patch set uploaded (by Robert Vogel; author: Robert Vogel):

[mediawiki/extensions/PluggableAuth@master] Add special "logout" page to avoid API logout issues

@cicalese I have added a Patchset for PluggableAuth, as i believe this may be an issue to other auth plugins too. I am not really happy about the new method addCustomLogoutLink. Should I just rename removeLogoutLink to modifyLogoutLink?

Yes, that sounds like a good idea.

I added some additional feedback on the patch. I think it needs some work, but it is a necessary addition to PluggableAuth. Thanks for the patch!

Hi @Osnard, did you get around to summit a patch on this? We've come across this issue in our Wikibase instance.

I am about to continue my work on
Unfortunately I can not give a time frame for its completion

Thanks for the update Osnard, very much appreciated!

@Osnard I tested this on our instance (same as @Maarten) and it doesn't work for us. $links['user-menu']['logout'] doesn't seem to be set in the $links array passed to that hook. There is not even a key named user-menu.
The keys that $links has are: namespaces, views, actions and variants and none of the links is a logout link. Could that be related to the skin that we're using, which is Vector in our case.

In Vector, the log-out link is part of the personal toolbar, resp. Personal Tools ($personalTools), but I haven't been able to fully retrace how this all works and if there may be another hook which is passed the URLs from of type personal_urls.

What is the goal of that hook you're suggesting? To change some class in the HTML so that a javascript queryselector doesn't find the element it's looking for to bind a click event to it? If that's the case then maybe we can find another solution, e.g. using gadgets?

Edit: I have been able to make this work using a simple gadget. Although I'm not 100% happy with it since I had to use a timeout.

Yes, the change is about changing the ID of the link, so the MediaWiki Core JS will not bind to it and make it an XHR logout. If the hook does not work for you, maybe have a look at

Change 903593 had a related patch set uploaded (by Robert Vogel; author: Robert Vogel):

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@master] Fix SAML logout flow

Osnard changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Mar 28 2023, 8:54 AM

Change 903559 had a related patch set uploaded (by ItSpiderman; author: Robert Vogel):

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_39] Fix SAML logout flow

Change 903593 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@master] Fix SAML logout flow

Change 903559 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_39] Fix SAML logout flow

Change 925841 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Cicalese):

[mediawiki/extensions/OpenIDConnect@master] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 925843 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Cicalese):

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@master] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 791044 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/PluggableAuth@master] Add special "logout" page to avoid API logout issues

Change 925843 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@master] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 925841 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/OpenIDConnect@master] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926720 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Robert Vogel):

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_40] Fix SAML logout flow

Change 926720 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_40] Fix SAML logout flow

Change 926763 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Robert Vogel):

[mediawiki/extensions/PluggableAuth@REL1_39] Add special "logout" page to avoid API logout issues

Change 926764 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Robert Vogel):

[mediawiki/extensions/PluggableAuth@REL1_40] Add special "logout" page to avoid API logout issues

Change 926763 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/PluggableAuth@REL1_39] Add special "logout" page to avoid API logout issues

Change 926764 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/PluggableAuth@REL1_40] Add special "logout" page to avoid API logout issues

Change 926767 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Cicalese):

[mediawiki/extensions/OpenIDConnect@REL1_39] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926768 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Cicalese):

[mediawiki/extensions/OpenIDConnect@REL1_40] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926767 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/OpenIDConnect@REL1_39] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926768 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/OpenIDConnect@REL1_40] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926781 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Cicalese):

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_39] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926782 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; author: Cicalese):

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_40] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926781 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_39] Add support for overriding default logout

Change 926782 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp@REL1_40] Add support for overriding default logout

Fixed in PluggableAuth version 7.0.0.