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GSOC 2022 Project Proposal -Edit Request Wizard
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Profile Information

Name: Adyasha Pattanayak
Email ID:
User Page:
Location: Odisha, India
Time Zone: UTC+05:30
Typical working hours: 11 AM to 9 PM. (UTC+05:30)


Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia where people work together to write informative articles in different languages on various topics. The virtual atheneum is special because these articles are maintained by editors from around the world. This project aims at redesigning the edit request process from scratch to make it simpler and more user-friendly for the editors, who can now make a hassle-free request for an article. This project's main objective is to create a step-by-step form to make it reliable for intuitive editors to make edits on their preferred articles without worrying about the sets of rules. The form will have features like providing a reliable source for their request, allowing users to cite valid quotes, and providing correct feedback for invalid inputs. At the end of this project, the users will be able to make edit requests effortlessly thus attaining the goal of Wikipedia.


May 20 - May 28Community Bonding period: Contributors are introduced to their mentors and discuss with them their
deliverables and strategies for the project. Discuss ideas and timelines of their tasks along with interacting with each other.
They have to make imperative changes in their proposal after discussing it with mentors. Getting to know the community's work ethic.
Analyzing and getting familiar with Wikipedia’s policies and regulations. Setting up development environment and templates for documentation.
May 28- June 2Phase 1 starts: Discuss the UI design of the form with the mentors. Finalizing the complete
flow of the page with help of any tool(ex:Figma)
June 2 - June 6Implementing the mock-up form in code with all prerequisites using designated tech stack.
Start updating reports about each week's work
June 6 - June 11Developing code for checking the validity of the source provided by the user in the form and
adding more options for the type of sources.
June 11 - June16 Creation of the quote text area and enabling the feature of displaying pop-up messages/ accurate feedback
for obviously invalid quotes or empty inputs.
June16 - June 22Working on making the input fields more user friendly and checking the responsiveness of the form page. Adding
more features like preview or reset buttons.
June 22 - June 28Working on errors and fixing bugs. Getting feedbacks from the mentors about the tasks and make updates.
Put down necessary points in my weekly reports
June 28- July 2 Phase-I evaluation
July 2- July 10Phase-II starts : Checks the validation process of sources, entered by the user for more specificity, and
discusses with mentors for more possible updates.
July 11- July 15working on validating a source(whether it is a website link or ISBN number) and write back end code for the validation process.
July 16- July 21 Maintaing documentation with a ReadMe and upload it on GitHub. Check the full functionality of the code. Integration of front end with the backend
and checking if the validation process displays correct feedback according to the user input
July 22- July 26Receive feedback from mentors and do a final examination on the flow of the form and codebase.
July 26- Aug 2**Phase-II evaluation
Aug2- Aug 10Adding more validation methods for source form like checking if the source entered is reliable to the edit request or not.
Aug10- Aug 15Adding more validation methods for source form like checking if the source entered is reliable to the edit
request or not. Implementation of the URL validation process in the form and development of its server-side requirements.
Aug15- Aug 20 Evaluating the whole process by making an edit request. Taking down notes on inadequacy and codes need to
be updated for better features. Adding a users's guide to provide information about the process.
Aug 21- Aug 26Update the readMe and contributors guideline for the project. .Evaluating my final reports and self-progress documentation.
Aug 27- Sept 1Update the readMe and contributors guideline for the project.
Evaluating my final reports and self-progress documentation.
Sept 1 - Sept 5Bug fixes, writing documentation, and code cleanup for submission.
Final evaluation of the functionality and UI of the form.
Sept 5 - Sept 12Submission of final work and reviewing by mentors.
Sept 13 - Sept 19Mentors submit final GSOC contributor evaluations.
Sept 20Results of Google Summer of Code 2022 announced.

If Time permits


  • User-friendly Mock-up interface for the web form of ‘Edit Request Wizard’.
  • Implementing a validation method on the source entered by the user.
  • Input form for quotes and give correct feedback on the invalid quotes.
  • API integration for source validation and developing its back-end process.
  • Making a responsive design of the form with full functionality and providing an interactive user guide.
  • Linking it with the correct source and pages for a smooth flow of the edit request process.
  • Implement code for checking if the reliable source has any references to the edited text or not.
  • Checking for errors and maintaining documentation about my tasks and process.
  • Always keeping contact with mentors and discuss the project with them for their feedback to ensure a smooth workflow.

Phase I evaluation

  • Responsive and user-friendly web form design for validating the source URL, designing a textarea for quotes citation, and checking for valid inputs. The source needs to be verified first then one can submit the form otherwise can not submit an edit request.
  • URL or source validation process entered by the user and implementing its backend code using JavsScript or any other language preferred by mentors.
  • Checking the precise feedback displayed for invalid inputs so that the user can provide the necessary input. The alerted messages should be displayed in pop-up boxes.

Phase II evaluation

  • Creating a user script for submitting Wikimedia edit requests along with the frontend and backend integration.
  • A user's guide on the complete process of making a request with interactive slides and fun games.
  • Creating a complete user-friendly interface from scratch with full functionalities and responsiveness.
  • Creating a forum for feedback by users regarding the enhancements and futures updates in the web form.


  • I will create a git repository in my GitHub account and upload code to the master branch daily. Afterward will commit it to the main branch after getting reviewed by the mentor.
  • I will be making reports of my work every day and will post in on my wiki-user page at the end of the week. -Tasks-related discussions and reviews will be made through comments on subtasks to the project created on Phabricator. I will be active on MediaWiki-General IRC channel for any queries.
  • I will be in touch with the mentor during working hours via zulip chats for clearing doubts about the codebase. During non-working hours I can be contacted via email.

About Me

I am currently pursuing a B.Tech degree in Information Technology from Odisha University of Technology and Research. I am currently in my pre-final year. I have heard about this program from my talented seniors who have been part of this program before. My even semester will get over by the last week of May and after that, I will be available to diligently take part in this program. During my summer vacations, I may have to join an internship but I can manage both by making a schedule.
I am applying under the Wikimedia organization for GSoC-22. For a long time, I have wanted to be part of this esteemed program so that I can get a chance to learn new things and communicate with my cohorts. Since my sophomore year, I have actively taken part in various open-source programs like Girl Script Summer of code e.t.c.,. I am an enthusiast for contributing to open-source projects.
Wikipedia has always helped me in getting vast and accurate information. I have referred it to my project works and assignments. Even I have used it to get information about the latest movie. The articles here are edited by the general public which makes them more valuable and genuine. While doing a microtask I get to know the process of requesting an edit of an article. The traditional process has a lot of complications in it and this project aims on simplifying it for common users. I earnestly want to contribute to this project under Wikimedia Foundation to create a subtle and efficient Edit Request Wizard. This would greatly help in increasing the daily requests made by users. I am thrilled to be a part of this project.

Past Experience

I have experience in working with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I am honing my skills in the MERN stack. I actively take part in various events of my club. Currently, I am interning at Rapidsoft Technologies
I have taken part in Girls Script Summer of Code and Script Foundation where I have made pull requests on the project HACK-OV8.

I have developed the website for the EWB-OUTR (Engineers without borders) club of my college. Here is the link. Created a clone of the CRED website using React components and hooks. ( .)
Along with that, I am working on making Chat Application using MERN stack with
I have made some small projects using react. Here is the link to my Github account.

Any Other Info

I have completed four of the microtasks given under the project proposal, you can find the microtasks here.

Related Objects

Event Timeline

Hi! I am Srishti, one of the org admins - it's great to see your interest in applying to GSoC with Wikimedia! You can safely ignore this message if you have already followed our participants' guide. As you develop your proposal, we want to ensure that you follow the application process steps:, primarily communicate with project mentors, integrate their feedback in your proposal, adhere to the guidelines around proposal submission, contribute to microtasks, etc. Let us know if there are any questions!

As the GSoC deadline is soon approaching in less than 24 hours (April 19, 2022, 18:00 UTC), please ensure that the information in your proposal on Phabricator is complete and you have already submitted it on the Google's program website in the recommended format. When you have done so, please move your proposal here on the Phabricator workboard from "Proposals in Progress" to the "Proposals Submitted' column by simply dragging it. Let us know if you have any questions.

Gopavasanth subscribed.

@Adyasha.pattanayak00​ We are sorry to say that we could not allocate a slot for you this time. Please do not consider the rejection to be an assessment of your proposal. We received over 75 quality applications, and we could only accept 10 students. We were not able to give all applicants a slot that would have deserved one, and these were some very tough decisions to make. Please know that you are still a valued member of our community and we by no means want to exclude you. Many students who we did not accept in 2021 have become Wikimedia maintainers, contractors and even GSoC students and mentors this year!

Your ideas and contributions to our projects are still welcome! As a next step, you could consider finishing up any pending pull requests or inform us that someone has to take them over. Here is the recommended place for you to get started as a newcomer:

If you would still be eligible for GSoC next year, we look forward to your participation