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Form to submit a Wikipedia edit request
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Name: Aryan Agrawal
Web Page:
Location: India (UTC +5:30)
Typical working hours: Between 2 pm and 1 am. (UTC +5:30)
During my college days, occupied between 8 AM to 3 PM. (UTC+05:30)
Primary Language: English

Proposal for

The project aims to create a step-by-step form to help beginners submit a Wikipedia edit request with the following objectives.
A Wikipedia user script that shows a form for submitting a Wikipedia edit request, with high-quality guidance and error messages, suitable for use by beginners.
A backend server that the user script will make calls to, for checking websites and other purposes.
An interface to show these edit requests to experienced editors as they read the article.

We create a step-by-step form asking about the changes and the source of information using basic HTML, CSS, and Javascript ( any framework if required ). The form will suggest changes and point errors (if any) for ease of use for beginners. The user will be expected to enter a quote from the source, which is logically correct (like a non-empty quote). If the form is submitted, then the authenticity of the changes will be checked using the provided source of the quote. After URL validation and source check, the changes can be reflected directly, or sent to experienced editors for the read. The backend functionalities will be implemented using Javascript/Python.
Mentors: @Enterprisey, @Firefly, @SD0001


  • May 20 to June 12: Community bonding period. Studying existing documentation. UI design for the edit requests form and buttons to redirect to this form. Designing UI mockups.
  • June 13 to June 24: Creating basic form UI to submit edit requests and creating the buttons to get into the edit request form using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Frameworks if required. From Microtask 2
  • June 24 to July 3: Step-by-step guidance for beginners and error messages functionality to check obviously invalid edit requests. From Microtask 3.
  • June 4 to July 14: URL validation and check if set parameters of the valid domain are met using backend (NodeJs/ Django). From Microtask 4.
  • July 15 to July 24: Testing Round 1:
  • Check if the set URL is properly getting verified.
  • Step-by-Step guidance working properly without any bugs
  • Changes getting implemented on edit request
  • Improvements / Bug Fixes
  • July 25 to July 29: Phase I evaluation
  • July 30 to August 14: Source quote validation at the backend. For this, we would scrape the source URL and check if the quote exists in the contents, the changes will only be reflected if the domain is trusted.
  • August 15 to August 28: User script implementation of Wikipedia Userscript
  • August 29 to September 4: Testing Round 2:
  • Check quote validation implemented on the backend and its accuracy
  • User Script and edit request check
  • Improvements / Bug Fixes
  • September 1 to September 11 (or before): Implementation of additional features like an interface for the general public to express feedback on these edit requests
  • September 12: GSoC contributors submit their final work
  • September 20: Results of Google Summer of Code 2022 announced


  • I will make a new repo on git and maintain two branches. Code will be uploaded to the dev branch periodically and will be merged with the master branch once review and testing are done.
  • I will available to communicate during my working hours (UTC +5:30)
  • I will use Phabricator for managing bugs and subtasks.
  • I will be available via Gmail to be contacted when needed during non-working hours.

About Me
Currently, I am in the second year of B.E in Information Technology at Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune. Heard about Wikimedia registering as an organization in GSoC. I will have University exams in June but I will be able to commit enough time to the project till my exam ends and compensate for it before evaluation phase 1.
I am hoping that this will be a kickstart for me in open-source development. This would be a great way to get exposure to real-world applications, collaboration on code, and interact with the open-source community.
What made me choose Wikimedia as an organization to apply to, is the necessary influence that information has on us. It is important that the right information is served to all and for that, the edit form feature is necessary in this ever-evolving world and its information. I feel that by contributing to this project I can learn a lot and be a part of the mission of providing knowledge for all.

Past Experience
Worked with IoT technologies in NodeJs backend to create a live status sharing web application in an Internship at Bipolar Factory.

Created an Online Judge to host online coding competitions, for college organizations and gained experience in Docker and Kubernetes for hosting the platform.

Handled React frontend development of applications in an Internship at KodeIT solutions.

Related Objects


Event Timeline

Hi! I am Srishti, one of the org admins - it's great to see your interest in applying to GSoC with Wikimedia! You can safely ignore this message if you have already followed our participants' guide. As you develop your proposal, we want to ensure that you follow the application process steps:, primarily communicate with project mentors, integrate their feedback in your proposal, adhere to the guidelines around proposal submission, contribute to microtasks, etc. Let us know if there are any questions!

As the GSoC deadline is soon approaching in less than 24 hours (April 19, 2022, 18:00 UTC), please ensure that the information in your proposal on Phabricator is complete and you have already submitted it on the Google's program website in the recommended format. When you have done so, please move your proposal here on the Phabricator workboard from "Proposals in Progress" to the "Proposals Submitted' column by simply dragging it. Let us know if you have any questions.

Gopavasanth subscribed.

@Aryanagrawal22 We are sorry to say that we could not allocate a slot for you this time. Please do not consider the rejection to be an assessment of your proposal. We received over 75 quality applications, and we could only accept 10 students. We were not able to give all applicants a slot that would have deserved one, and these were some very tough decisions to make. Please know that you are still a valued member of our community and we by no means want to exclude you. Many students who we did not accept in 2021 have become Wikimedia maintainers, contractors and even GSoC students and mentors this year!

Your ideas and contributions to our projects are still welcome! As a next step, you could consider finishing up any pending pull requests or inform us that someone has to take them over. Here is the recommended place for you to get started as a newcomer:

If you would still be eligible for GSoC next year, we look forward to your participation