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Q3:(Need By: TBD) rack/setup/install frbackup2002
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task will track the racking, setup, and OS installation of frbackup2002

Hostname / Racking / Installation Details

Hostnames: frbackup2002
Racking Proposal: codfw frack
Networking/Subnet/VLAN/IP: two GBE connections, one to each switch, frack-administration-codfw vlan, IP
Partitioning/Raid: hardware RAID6, single virtual disk
OS Distro:** fr-tech-ops will handle OS install

Per host setup checklist

Each host should have its own setup checklist copied and pasted into the list below.

frbackup2002: U6/7 Rack C8
  • - receive in system on procurement task T297733 & in coupa
  • - rack system with proposed racking plan (see above) & update netbox (include all system info plus location, state of planned)
  • - add mgmt dns (asset tag and hostname) and production dns entries in netbox, run cookbook sre.dns.netbox.
  • - network port setup via netbox, run homer from an active cumin host to commit
  • - bios/drac/serial setup/testing, see Lifecycle Steps & Automatic BIOS setup details
  • - firmware update (idrac, bios, network, raid controller)

fr-tech-ops stuff:

  • - OS installation & initital puppet run
  • - configure bond0
  • - copy data from frbackup2001
  • - adjust firewall policy
  • - adjust archive_sync and archive_purge accordingly
  • - configure monitoring
  • - set active in netbox

Related Objects

Event Timeline

RobH added a parent task: Unknown Object (Task).Apr 25 2022, 9:23 PM
RobH moved this task from Backlog to Racking Tasks on the ops-codfw board.
RobH mentioned this in Unknown Object (Task).
RobH unsubscribed.

Change 797347 had a related patch set uploaded (by Papaul; author: Papaul):

[operations/dns@master] ADd DNS for new frbackuup node

Change 797347 merged by Papaul:

[operations/dns@master] ADd DNS for new frbackuup node

switch configuration

papaul@fasw-c-codfw# run show interfaces ge-[0-1]/0/11 descriptions
Interface       Admin Link Description
ge-0/0/11       up    up   frbackup2002:eth0
ge-1/0/11       up    up   frbackup2002:eth1
Papaul updated the task description. (Show Details)
Papaul subscribed.

@Jgreen all yours

Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
ayounsi closed subtask Restricted Task as Resolved.May 31 2022, 7:21 AM

Change 801768 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jgreen; author: Jgreen):

[operations/puppet@production] nsca_frack.cfg.erb switch frbackup2001 to frbackup2002

Change 801768 merged by Jgreen:

[operations/puppet@production] nsca_frack.cfg.erb switch frbackup2001 to frbackup2002

Jgreen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jgreen moved this task from In Progress to Done on the fundraising-tech-ops board.