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☂ Discuss collaboration, maintenance and support with volunteer developers of key Wikimedia content partnerships tools
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Talk with the developers of key Wikimedia content partnerships tools collected via T310998: Write a compilation of existing tools used in content partnerships and what needs to be maintained and T311000: Develop and send out a questionnaire about which tools are used today in content partnerships, to discover what they see as opportunities and limitations re: support and maintenance of their tools.

Event Timeline

Sandra_Fauconnier_WMSE renamed this task from Discuss collaboration, maintenance and support with volunteer developers of key Wikimedia content partnerships tools to ☂ Discuss collaboration, maintenance and support with volunteer developers of key Wikimedia content partnerships tools.Sep 6 2022, 11:09 AM

Removing inactive task assignee. (WMSE: Please do so as part of performing offboarding - thanks!)