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Install msbuild
Open, Needs TriagePublic


My C# mono jobs require msbuild to build them. Please install msbuild.

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We currently install on the bastions and job grid.

I'm not familiar enough with mono components to be able to figure out if msbuild is actually packaged by the Debian project or not.

msbuild is packaged with the latest release, so if you install the latest stable version (6.12.0)
(which you can get from
it will be there!


xbuild is old, unmaintained, deprecated, and doesn't work with VS/MSBuild projects written in the last 5 years (at least). As far as I can tell, Debian doesn't package msbuild, I don't know why. The only discussion was this request (#959045).

The packages do include msbuild. They do not package targeting Bullseye, but the Buster package does appear to work in Bullseye.