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decommission db2071
Closed, ResolvedPublicRequest


This task will track the decommission-hardware of server db2071.

With the launch of updates to the decom cookbook, the majority of these steps can be handled by the service owners directly. The DC Ops team only gets involved once the system has been fully removed from service and powered down by the decommission cookbook.

db2071 A6U1

Steps for service owner:

  • - all system services confirmed offline from production use
  • - set all icinga checks to maint mode/disabled while reclaim/decommmission takes place. (likely done by script)
  • - remove system from all lvs/pybal active configuration
  • - any service group puppet/hiera/dsh config removed
  • - remove site.pp, replace with role(spare::system) recommended to ensure services offline but not 100% required as long as the decom script is IMMEDIATELY run below.
  • - login to cumin host and run the decom cookbook: cookbook sre.hosts.decommission <host fqdn> -t <phab task>. This does: bootloader wipe, host power down, netbox update to decommissioning status, puppet node clean, puppet node deactivate, debmonitor removal, and run homer.
  • - remove all remaining puppet references and all host entries in the puppet repo
  • - reassign task from service owner to DC ops team member and site project (ops-sitename) depending on site of server

End service owner steps / Begin DC-Ops team steps:

  • - system disks removed (by onsite)
  • - determine system age, under 5 years are reclaimed to spare, over 5 years are decommissioned.
  • - IF DECOM: system unracked and decommissioned (by onsite), update netbox with result and set state to offline
  • - IF DECOM: mgmt dns entries removed.
  • - IF RECLAIM: set netbox state to 'inventory' and hostname to asset tag

Event Timeline

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2022-06-29T06:58:04Z] <marostegui@cumin1001> dbctl commit (dc=all): 'Depool db2071 T311589', diff saved to and previous config saved to /var/cache/conftool/dbconfig/20220629-065804-root.json

Change 809526 had a related patch set uploaded (by Marostegui; author: Marostegui):

[operations/puppet@production] mariadb: Decommission db2071

Change 809526 merged by Marostegui:

[operations/puppet@production] mariadb: Decommission db2071

cookbooks.sre.hosts.decommission executed by marostegui@cumin1001 for hosts: db2071.codfw.wmnet

  • db2071.codfw.wmnet (FAIL)
    • Downtimed host on Icinga/Alertmanager
    • Found physical host
    • Downtimed management interface on Icinga/Alertmanager
    • Failed to wipe swraid, partition-table and filesystem signatures, manual intervention required to make it unbootable: Cumin execution failed (exit_code=2)
    • Powered off
    • Set Netbox status to Decommissioning and deleted all non-mgmt interfaces and related IPs
    • Removed from DebMonitor
    • Removed from Puppet master and PuppetDB

ERROR: some step on some host failed, check the bolded items above

Marostegui updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Papaul this is ready for you. Please note the failure above, make sure to wipe the disks yourself.

Papaul updated the task description. (Show Details)
