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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parseWikitextFragment') when trying to view a visual diff
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When trying to view this visual diff:

I get the error:

jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parseWikitextFragment') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parseWikitextFragment')
    at ve.ce.MWTransclusionNode.generateContents (
    at ve.ce.GeneratedContentNode.forceUpdate (
    at ve.ce.GeneratedContentNode.update (
    at VeCeMWTransclusionInlineNode.VeCeGeneratedContentNode (
    at VeCeMWTransclusionInlineNode.VeCeMWTransclusionNode (
    at VeCeMWTransclusionInlineNode (
    at OO.Factory.create (<anonymous>:593:592)
    at ve.ce.NodeFactory.createFromModel (
    at (
    at (<anonymous>:285:1)

Event Timeline

There are at least three problems here:

  • This edit: added <span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"></span> to the page. This should never happen, it's an internal marker used in reply tool and it should be replaced by a signature when saving.
  • Visual diff understands that markup and tries to render it as the viewer's signature, like the reply tool would. It should not be treated as a signature outside of the reply tool.
  • When trying to render the signature (technically a transclusion of ~~~~), we call but is undefined. It should not depend on that (see T305762).
ppelberg added a project: Editing-team.
ppelberg subscribed.

We're going to start by taking a look at the first issue @matmarex identified in T313809#8105017:

We previously had a task about certain operations resulting in <nowiki><span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"></span></nowiki>: . But this one is without <nowiki> and is probably a different bug.

I wanted to find out if this is an isolated incident, so I searched: which gives 15 cases of dtsignatureforswitching appearing in pages. I looked up the edits (using, and tried to figure out what happened.

There seem to be three kinds of ways for <span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"> to appear:

  • Kind A: <nowiki>...<span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"></span></nowiki>. This was already reported as T280068. It happens when:
    • You input <nowiki>~~~~</nowiki> in wikitext mode (e.g. because you were explaining to someone how to add a signature), then switch to visual mode
    • You input ~~~~ in visual mode and prevent it from turning into a real signature (by pressing Ctrl+Z after the conversion, or by copy-pasting it rather than typing), then switch to wikitext mode (resulting in <nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>), then switch to visual mode again
  • Kind B: {{...|...<span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"></span>}}. This is actually quite similar to the above, but I didn't think about it before. It happens when:
    • You input {{...|~~~~}} in wikitext mode (where ... is any template), then switch to visual mode
  • Kind C: <span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"></span> without any other markup. I found one other example of this, but I still don't know how to reproduce it (except by doing one of the above, and then changing the markup in wikitext mode).
2 (pasted template wikitext in visual mode)
3 (pasted template wikitext in visual mode)
5 (other weird markup)
8 (has nowiki elsewhere)
10 (pasted template wikitext in visual mode)
11 (pasted template wikitext in visual mode)
12 (pasted template wikitext in visual mode)