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Write and submit paper on knowledge networks of Wikipedia readers
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We summarized the results on the first exploratory analysis on knowledge networks of Wikipedia readers on this meta-page. This substantially generalizes and extends previous work on knowledge networks capturing curiosity of Wikipedia readers (see Hunters, busybodies and the knowledge network building associated with deprivation curiosity).

In this task, we track the work on writing up the results in a paper and submitting to a journal/conference.

Event Timeline

Update week 2022-08-22

  • started sketching the outline and the general structure
  • started filling methods-section
  • started discussing and preparing figures 1-3

Weekly update:

Weekly update

  • generated additional dataset to analyze how topics affect the knowledge networks
  • generated additional dataset to analyze how knowledge networks might differ across countries; planning to similarly check how knowledge networks might differ across different languages (so far we only checked enwiki)

Weekly update

  • adding analysis around how knowledge networks differ with the topic of the articles
  • running analysis to quantify variation of knowledge networks with country and language-version

weekly update:

  • created datasets for knowledge networks for 14 wikis (the same we considered in the why we read wikipedia studies)

weekly update:

  • implemented model to predict scores on curiosity (specifically the deprivation sensitivtiy facet) from metrics of knowledge networks (code)

weekly update:

  • analysing variation of knowledge network across the 14 different wikis. investigating the effect of the underlying wiki (size etc)

weekly update:

  • revised scope/framing of the paper
  • reached consensus and are now working on figures for results section and framing for introduction

weekly update:

  • reorganizing datasets and working on figures

weekly update:

  • finished 2 figures. continuing work on figures 3-7.

weekly updates:

  • slowly moving towards finalizing main figures of the manuscript
  • working on robustness checks for main findings
  • moving towards starting the actual writing

weekly updates:

  • investigating in more detail what drives differences across different language-versions (testing hypothesis about network size of the wiki)
  • drafting outline of the paper with main takeaways of each figure to be shared with collaborators
  • agreed on timeline with collaborators to submit in Q4

weekly update:

  • Started sketching the results section in more detail by summarizing the main takeaways of each figure

weekly update:

  • completed first bad draft of results section
  • shared with collaborators for input

weekly update:

  • incorporating feedback from collaborators into draft

weekly update:

  • addressing feedback from collaborators
  • discussing figure on country-level analysis for results section
  • next step: finalizing results section in overleaf, re-working introduction and discussion sections based on revised results

weekly update:

  • worked on getting a rough first draft of the results section in the overleaf

weekly update:

  • no major update

weekly update:

  • working on the paper. first full draft of results section with figures. working on methods section. drafting discussion section.

weekly update:

  • finishing methods section
  • first draft of discussion section

weekly update:

  • finished draft of discussion section
  • revising introduction/abstract

weekly update

  • after revisions to intro and abstract, we have put together a full first draft of the manuscript.
  • we will share with collaborators to give their input in the next 2 weeks

weekly update:

  • Sent first full draft to collaborators; waiting for input and feedback

weekly update:

  • asked for review by @leila T343298
  • waiting for input/feedback from collaborators

weekly update:

  • received feedback from Leila
  • revising paper based on those suggestions
  • incorporating track changes from other collaborators

weekly update:

  • incorporating feedback from collaborators; addressing comments/open questions
  • still doing a final round of revisions

weekly update:

  • almost finished revising paper to incorporate Leila's suggestions from first round of reviews
  • planning to finish next week and taking another review of the full paper after everyone else's input; then ready for 2nd round of review by Leila

weekly update:

  • major revision/expansion of the discussion section
  • addressing final comments from collaborators

weekly update:

  • revised abstracts
  • took a full pass on the substantially revised manuscript for last round of changes/suggestions/comments
  • once those are confirmed/addressed, will send for second round of review by Leila (hopefully next week)

weekly update:

  • opened task for 2nd round of review from Leila T343298#9173828
  • drafted cover letter for submission

weekly update:

  • finished cover letter
  • final pass on paper incorporating suggestions for improvement from 2nd round of review
  • waiting for thumbs-up from all co-authors
  • aiming to submit next week

weekly update:

  • we have everything together and are ready to submit (probably this will happen next week)

weekly update:

  • we submitted the paper.
  • marking task as completed. any further work will be captured in follow-up tasks.

for archival happiness, also adding the link to the preprint of the manuscript: