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Reassign owner of wikibaseug mailing list
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As elected public contact of the Wikibase Community User Group, I request admin/ownership access to the associated Wikibaseug list, in order to process requests related to it (including removal requests from users - it seems not so easy to do this via email with the new mail software), update the description (currently truncated and pointing to an outdated repository), etc. The address I use for the list is

The mailing list was created in T189674, but its requester and user group founder has not been active in it (or, I think, with Wikimedia) since circa mid-2019, as noted in last year's election FAQ. It is not very active compared to our Telegram group, so requesting this access slipped my mind, but WMDE poked me to remind me to make this request, as having an unresponsive owner is an issue and they post official notices there about their Wikibase releases.

If a secondary admin email is required, I propose Lozana Rossenova - who was co-curator of the Wikibase track for Wikidatacon 2021 with me, and who is also an active member of the Wikibase community.

Event Timeline

Ladsgroup subscribed.

If @Masssly is okay, I can do it. Just give me your email address. you can email it to me if you don't want to disclose it publicly.

Thank you. My address is included in the original post at the end of the first paragraph. It's available elsewhere, and gets enough spam as it is, so I'm not that concerned about more. ^^

For what it's worth... while I'm sure Masssly will back me up on this (since he, too, has poked me about it :-), I feel I should clarify that WBUG is a separate WMF affiliate, not part of WMDE.
This request was authorized by the user group in its September 2021 meeting (which he and Georgina attended), although it was not filed then due to uncertainty about our second contact.
However, WMDE has assisted greatly by facilitating such online meetings, just as we assist them with the shared goal of a healthy developer and user community around Wikibase.

If @Masssly is okay, I can do it. Just give me your email address. you can email it to me if you don't want to disclose it publicly.

Yes, this is okay.

I added you and Lorenza as owners. Have fun.

As much as mailing list administration is fun. :-)
Thanks a lot for the prompt assistance!