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[L] Exclude media topics from section topics dataset
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The evaluation of section topics sample showed that media outlets are tagged as section topics, often with high relevancy scores (bbc news, reuters, france info etc). They do not add descriptive and contextual value but rather pollute the data and should not be tagged as section topics.

Media keywords fare not identified as section topics

Note: Cormac mentioned that it might be worth checking that there isn't any weirdness in the score computation that make these popular media keywords have high scores. if there is, then the problem is different and this ticket can be resolved


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Exclude media topics from section topics datasetrepos/structured-data/section-topics!18mlitnT323036main
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MarkTraceur renamed this task from Exclude media topics from section topics dataset to [L] Exclude media topics from section topics dataset .Dec 1 2022, 5:57 PM

There isn't too much consistency in the statements of media outlets (see a selection below)
Most have one or more P31 (instance of) statements that are one of these: (or a subclass thereof)

  • Q11033 # mass media
  • Q1193236 # news media
  • Q2943864 # news satire
  • Q27881073 # fake news website
  • Q1331793 # media company
  • Q24354647 # editorial team
  • Q2001305 # television channel
  • Q56611639 # media industry
  • Q38926 # news
  • Q11578774 # broadcasting program

There are 1506831 of these.

2 other properties are also commonly found to describe media outlets: P452 (industry) and P136 (genre), where the value is often one of the Q-ids mentioned earlier, or one of:

  • Q11033 # mass media
  • Q56611639 # media industry
  • Q11030 = journalism
  • Q25245117 = telecommunications
  • Q3972943 = publishing

Combining all these properties & items, we get this query that returns 1686161 results:

  { wd:Q11033 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = mass media
  { wd:Q1193236 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = news media
  { wd:Q2943864 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = news satire
  { wd:Q27881073 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = fake news website
  { wd:Q1331793 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = media company
  { wd:Q24354647 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = editorial team
  { wd:Q2001305 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = television channel
  { wd:Q56611639 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = media industry
  { wd:Q38926 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = news
  { wd:Q11578774 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = broadcasting program
  { wd:Q56611639 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = media industry
  { wd:Q11030 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = journalism
  { wd:Q25245117 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = telecommunications
  { wd:Q3972943 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = publishing
  { wd:Q1002697 ^wdt:P279*/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P136|wdt:P452) ?item . } # instance of/genre/industry = periodical

This casts a very wide net and it's quite impossible to validate how relevant all results are. I went over a couple hundred results, and none of the ones I did recognize seemed false positives, though.

Does above list of properties/items to identify media outlets (and exclude such topics) make sense? Ok to move forward with this list?

Alternatively, we could check for items that have a property that we only expect in media outlets (e.g. P449 (original broadcaster)). I haven't found that to be particularly helpful, though - they're so specific that they're missing for many items, in which case we're back to also including P31 etc. I don't think we should pursue this.

A selection of media outlet items and their relevant-ish statements:


  • instance of = news agency
  • industry = telecommunications

Associated press:

  • instance of = news agency
  • instance of = photo agency
  • industry = news media
  • industry = media industry


  • instance of = United States Cable news
  • industry = journalism

ABC News:

  • instance of = television station
  • industry = journalism

Fox News:

  • instance of = United States cable news
  • industry = journalism

Late Night with Conan O'Brien:

  • instance of = television series
  • genre = talk show

The Onion:

  • instance of = weekly newspaper
  • instance of = news satire
  • industry = publishing


  • instance of = magazine
  • instance of = men's magazine
  • instance of = nude magazine

BBC News:

  • instance of = news desk
  • instance of = news broadcasting
  • industry = journalism


  • instance of = daily newspaper
  • genre = tabloid journalism

Al Jazeera:

  • instance of = broadcaster
  • instance of = television station

France 24:

  • instance of = television channel
  • instance of = television station
  • industry = journalism

Charlie Hebdo:

  • instance of = newspaper
  • instance of = satirical newspaper
  • genre = political satire
  • genre = satirical newspaper

Het Nieuwsblad:

  • instance of = daily newspaper

Het Journaal:

  • instance of = television program
  • genre = news program

VTM Nieuws:

  • instance of = television program


  • instance of = television program
  • genre = current affairs

Vive le Vélo:

  • instance of = television program
  • genre = talk show


  • instance of = magazine

Dag Allemaal:

  • instance of = periodical

Does above list of properties/items to identify media outlets (and exclude such topics) make sense? Ok to move forward with this list?

LGTM -- let's get @mfossati's and @AUgolnikova-WMF's eyes on it.

Thanks @matthiasmullie for the deep dive in the Wikidata ontology!
Totally agree we can't come up with a complete solution.

I made some explorations as well:

  • the most generic class looks like media and has 18,387 subclasses - query. Probably the widest net we could cast
  • querying all media instances times out, way too many
  • the more specific mass media class has 792 subclasses - query
  • there are 271,628 mass media instances - query. Perhaps a too narrow net

Conclusion: OK to move forward with @matthiasmullie's net, looks like the best trade-off.

Thanks! LGTM for the current version

It's merged, and the bot agrees! 😄 Closing.

It's merged, and the bot agrees! 😄 Closing.

Yes, but what happens the day the bot disagrees?!