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DB Error 'No such field' when sorting Civi advanced search results by country
Open, LowestPublic


  • Go to advanced search
  • search by name ('adam' gives plenty of results in the example data)
  • try to sort by country while tailing Civi log

When no address field is part of the search parameters and you try to sort the results by country, this shows up in the log:

$Fatal Error Details = Array
    [callback] => Array
            [0] => CRM_Core_Error
            [1] => exceptionHandler

    [code] => -19
    [message] => DB Error: no such field
    [mode] => 16
    [debug_info] => 
INSERT INTO civicrm_prevnext_cache (cachekey, entity_id1, data)
SELECT DISTINCT 'civicrm search CRMContactControllerSearch17zo40ot8i74g4o4gko0sk0wc0osw040owossgk008wc484s4w_9435',, contact_a.sort_name  FROM civicrm_contact contact_a   LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON ( 
= civicrm_email.contact_id AND civicrm_email.is_primary = 1)  LEFT JOIN civicrm_country ON civicrm_address.country_id =  WHERE  (  (  (  ( contact_a.sort_name LIKE '%adam%' ) OR  ( LIKE 
'%adam%' )  )  )  )  AND ( 1 ) AND (contact_a.is_deleted = 0)    ORDER BY `country` asc, `contact_a`.`id`  LIMIT 0, 500 [nativecode=1054 ** Unknown column 'civicrm_address.country_id' in 'on clause']
    [type] => DB_Error

Dec 02 01:56:07  [debug] $backTrace = #0 /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Error.php(954): CRM_Core_Error::backtrace("backTrace", TRUE)
#1 /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src/PEAR.php(944): CRM_Core_Error::exceptionHandler(Object(DB_Error))


#14 /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/PrevNextCache/Sql.php(43): CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("\nINSERT INTO civicrm_prevnext_cache (cachekey, entity_id1, data)\nSELECT DIS...", (Array:0), FALSE)
#15 /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Contact/Selector.php(1057): CRM_Core_PrevNextCache_Sql->fillWithSql("civicrm search CRMContactControllerSearch17zo40ot8i74g4o4gko0sk0wc0osw040owos...", "SELECT DISTINCT 'civicrm search CRMContactControllerSearch17zo40ot8i74g4o4gko...")

Note that the sort appears to change in the UI anyway, but that may just be sorting the current page in JS.

Looks like it's missing a join on the address table. There is a similar-sounding issue filed against upstream ( ) but the proposed fix for that one doesn't work here.

Event Timeline

@Ejegg it's possible we should decline this - there is some error handling in CiviCRM core for this - which means the only downside is log noise - but how frequent is is?

try {
  Civi::service('prevnext')->fillWithSql($cacheKey, $sql);
catch (\Exception $e) {
  if ($coreSearch) {
    // in the case of error, try rebuilding cache using full sql which is used for search selector display
    // this fixes the bugs reported in CRM-13996 & CRM-14438
    $this->rebuildPreNextCache($start, $end, $sort, $cacheKey);
  else {
    CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedFunctionWarning('Custom searches should return sql capable of filling the prevnext cache.');
    // This will always show for CiviRules :-( as a) it orders by 'rule_label'
    // which is not available in the query & b) it uses contact not contact_a
    // as an alias.
    // CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Query Failed'));

Looks like it's around once a day (28 times in the log file begun on Dec 1). Our users haven't mentioned this, it's just annoying log noise.

greg triaged this task as Lowest priority.Dec 20 2022, 8:18 PM
greg subscribed.

(Debating the need for this, setting prio appropriately)

Although I argued for low priority here I've been digging into this today - 2 reasons

  1. as an upstream fix I don't need anyone on our side to review and
  2. I found an earlier phab (hopefully I can find again & link) - which suggests that it has taken our time before this even if it is ultimately just a logging noise issue

Just flagging this is a really tough one to solve in code that is hopefully gonna be replace with SearchKit in time