User Story
- As a product team, I am able to measure success of this project, by seeing how many people switch between inline and two-column and see how it compares to Wikied diff user script, roughly 1,800 uses*%5C.%28js%7Ccss%7Cjson%29%29
Metrics Summary
-Visits to Diff page two-column
- Visits to Diff page inline
- Wikied diff user script, roughly 1,800 uses
Metrics Ideas
- Level of experiences that users might have (ex: number of edits) and how do they use diffs?
- Are there new users using diffs?
- Popularity between two-column vs inline.
- How do different type of user roles use this feature?
- Help product teams understand the benefits of the feature work done on this wish
Details for QA
- Make sure the data is logging to the table
Contact Person / Team
- Community Tech
- Add tracking before feature implementation.