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[Epic needs updating according to new decisions] Golang Service Scaffolding Project Improvements
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A scaffolding for building Go services at the Wikimedia Foundation in order to establish similar patterns amongst all Go services. As a part of current tasks, will be porting the improvements done in AQS 2.0 to service-scaffold-golang. Some of the important taks will be -

  • Creating different layers in scaffolding project.
  • Add the documentation/swagger changes.

-Extracting packages from common code

  • Changing current http router to gorilla/mux

Event Timeline

JArguello-WMF renamed this task from Golang Service Scaffolding Project Improvements to [Epic needs updating according to new decisions] Golang Service Scaffolding Project Improvements.Apr 17 2023, 4:32 PM
JArguello-WMF removed SGupta-WMF as the assignee of this task.
JArguello-WMF added a project: API Platform.
JArguello-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JArguello-WMF moved this task from Incoming to API Platform Roadmap on the API Platform board.

"We should update the epic and its related tickets to reflect the current state of the project (in particular, we decided to go with gorilla/mux instead of fasthttp, so T325524 is now misleading).
The team wants to do the work as soon as the AQS 2.0 work is complete. On the other hand, this would delay the AQS 2.0 work at least a bit, and it is also possible we'll learn more things that affect these tasks.
One possibility: do this work when we start the Druid-based services (Edit Analytics and Editor Analytics). Push the changes up to the scaffolding/servicelib level, then use the updated scaffolding/servicelib to start those new services rather than starting with a copy of one of the Cassandara-based services. This might be a good way of dogfooding." Cc.: @BPirkle