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Cannot create translated category if its name is >255 bytes in UTF-8
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I ran into a problem today that was hard for me to understand at all from Mon Wiktionary, but I myself have no knowledge of how to use a wiki, but I am working hard to make it the best it can be, but I don't understand how to solve the problem I encountered today, I don't know how to explain the problem, so please watch my video and decide. as far as I can tell, the problem is as follows.

  1. Original page
  2. My translation page
  3. Unable to create categories

Category:ဝေါဟာအဝ်ဃှဳယျာနေတ်-အခိုက်ကၞာဂွံလဝ်အာဲကၟာဲနူဝေါဟာမာလာယဝ်-ပဝ်လဳနဳဃှေန် လ္ပာ်ဖာဗၟံက်-အခိုက်ကၞာဂမၠိုင်
Category:ဝေါဟာအဝ်ဃှဳယျာနေတ်-အခိုက်ကၞာကၠုင်နူဝေါဟာမာလာယဝ်-ပဝ်လဳနဳဃှေန် လ္ပာ်ဖာဗၟံက်-အခိုက်ကၞာဂမၠိုင်
Category:ဝေါဟာအဝ်ဃှဳယျာနေတ်-အခိုက်ကၞာဂွံလဝ်အာဲကၟာဲနူဝေါဟာမလာယဝ်-ပဝ်လဳနဳယှာ ဗဟဵု-လ္ပာ်ဖာဗၟံက်-ကၞာဂမၠိုင်
Category:ဝေါဟာအဝ်ဃှဳယျာနေတ်-အခိုက်ကၞာကၠုင်နူဝေါဟာမလာယဝ်-ပဝ်လဳနဳယှာ ဗဟဵု-လ္ပာ်ဖာဗၟံက်-ကၞာဂမၠိုင်
I'm currently the only one working on Mon Wiktionary, so please help me with the technical stuff, thanks.

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As you said, I can't create a category, thanks.

And you asked what the issue is. The page itself tells you the error.

The issue is the title is too long (primarily due to the number of bytes that the characters require being > 1 per character)...

The simplest workaround for now, is unfortunately to use a shorter title for the category.

Every Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian name pronunciation was written in the Mon alphabet, but I don't understand any of these, I used the Mon alphabet as it was originally pronounced, Please let me know if there is any other alternative name for the Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian name, I have exchanged it with the original pronunciation of the Mon alphabet as follows.
I am a writer and I can guarantee my knowledge, what should I do next?

Unfortunately this isn't the good forum for "deciding how to name things"; that's a content issue, that is mostly upto the people on the local wiki.

The general practice would probably be to use abbreviations if they exist, and then on the category description page you can list the (intended) category name in full.

Or you can use multiple categories, and the intersection of them make up the specifics.

I'm currently the only one working on Mon Wiktionary, so please help me with the technical stuff, thanks.

Hi, please see for help. Thanks.

It's not the same issue as T275319: Change $wgMaxArticleSize limit from byte-based to character-based/T308893: Increase $wgMaxArticleSize to 4MB for ruwikisource, but a similar underlying cause.

I would've presumed a generic task for title length existed, but I can't find one offhand.

When we use the Mon alphabet to pronounce the names of other languages, we will not see abbreviations in English languages, but long names. as an example, we can look at the full name of King Manuha, Also, all the powerful people in our nation have long names, but I also have long names, so I would like to request that a long name be added to the Mon language wiki, thanks.

Also, all the powerful people in our nation have long names, but I also have long names, so I would like to request that a long name be added to the Mon language wiki, thanks.

I've filed T325665: Increase title length as a more generic request, as if we do it for one wiki (because it's a database schema change), we really need to do it for all wikis.

It's a lot of work for our DBA's, so it is unlikely to be completed anytime soon.

Aklapper renamed this task from Completely incomprehensible problem to Cannot create translated category if its name is >255 bytes in UTF-8.Dec 20 2022, 8:32 PM