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Add gucwiki to wikistats
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Please add new wiki gucwiki to Wikistats, once it is created. Thanks!

Event Timeline

Zabe changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".Jan 4 2023, 2:33 PM

I wish these were not 2 levels of tasks but linked to the _actual_ blocker, which is T321880 for this.

Otherwise how do I know when it's time to do this.

@JJMC89 I disagree with the edits. This can only be done _after_ the wiki is created. This way it looks like it's a requirement for creating the wiki, which it's not. But I think we may have had that discussion before and I am not invested in it :)

All I need is some way to see when the _actual wiki creation task_ is done, not that "follow-up tasks" subtask of it which is one level too many.

Yeah agreed with Daniel, this is a common misconception. Hope this clears it up:

If adding support to wikistat blocks creating the new wikis, then wikistats ticket should be subticket of the parent. If creating the wiki is needed before adding to wikistats, it would be the other way around.

If creating the wiki is needed before adding to wikistats, it would be the other way around.

This is the case. Adding to wikistats is blocked by wiki creation.

My bad, it should be a subticket of T326236: Post-creation work for gucwiki (that's how the bot does it)

"follow-up tasks" subtask of it which is one level too many

I also dislike those tracking tasks since it prevents notifications from the creation task being resolved.

My bad, it should be a subticket of T326236: Post-creation work for gucwiki (that's how the bot does it)

No, please not. That way I still don't know when the wiki is actually created. My ticket is blocked on wiki creation, not on "all other post-creation work is done".

"follow-up tasks" subtask of it which is one level too many

I also dislike those tracking tasks since it prevents notifications from the creation task being resolved.

I think the fix would be that each "post creation work"-task is a direct subtask of the "create wiki" parent task.

Only 1 level, not 2 levels deep of tracking ticket.

They should all be parent tasks of the wiki creation task, since they are blocked on creating the wiki. I think it used to be done this way before Maintenance_bot.

They should all be parent tasks of the wiki creation task, since they are blocked on creating the wiki. I think it used to be done this way before Maintenance_bot.

It was after maint bot but I had to change it because it confused people so much they constantly turned the parent tickets to subtickets, we had enough and went with this.

I'm open to agreed upon solutions as long as someone take care of creating PR for it in

To set expecations, personally I am unlikely to do that because it's on github.

They should all be parent tasks of the wiki creation task, since they are blocked on creating the wiki.

We disagree again on the terminology and I did not even want to start this discussion. That's why I was hoping I could just quietly fix the relationship for the ticket I am looking at.. but it was reverted. :)

We disagree again on the terminology and I did not even want to start this discussion.

Neither did I, but you didn't follow the documentation:

If Task A cannot be solved until Task B is solved, then Task A is the parent task and Task B is the subtask.

Blockers and Subtasks. A (parent) task might simply be blocked by another (sub)task, representing a dependency

@JJMC89 Fair enough, in that case I think the documentation is wrong and it's generally not being used like that. But don't worry, I will not bring it up again. I will just have to rely on emails and not use Phabricator for being notified.

MariaDB [wikistats]> insert into wikipedias (prefix, lang, loclang, method) values ("guc", "Wayuu", "wayuunaiki", 8);

dzahn@wikistats-bullseye:~$ /usr/lib/wikistats/update.php wp prefix guc
sent query: 'select * from wikipedias where prefix="guc"'.
A(1/338) - - calling API:
-> http answer: 200 -> parsing answer: 0
getting version for> OK - total: 0 good: 0 edits: 0 users: 0 active users: 0 admins: 2 images: 0
---> update wikipedias set total="0",good="0",edits="0",users="0",activeusers="0",admins="2",images="0",http="200",si_generator="MediaWiki 1.40.0-wmf.24",ts=NOW() where id="354";