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[[MediaWiki:Challengeuser-description]] understanding issue: "I'm taking the Eagles w/ the spread"
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I am completely unfamiliar with American sports and its jargon. Could someone please explain what this message means, so that I have a chance to rewrite it in a way that makes sense to Dutch people?

Message URL:

Event Timeline

Hi @McDutchie, thank you for translating Challenge as well as several other Social-Tools (and many, many more MediaWiki extensions :-) into Dutch; it is much appreciated! 👍

This page on sports betting has some useful info, but I'm inclined to agree that this particular message, and maybe some others (like challengeuser-info-body for example) could use a bit of rewording to make them clearer to the reader as well as more general.
Challenge, like other social tools, originated at ArmchairGM, which was an American sports wiki aimed primarily (and dare I say, only) at an American audience. Since 2008, when social tools have been FOSS and especially as ArmchairGM is essentially gone and has been gone for over a decade, there's been a much greater focus on international compatibility.

Aklapper renamed this task from [[MediaWiki:Challengeuser-description/nl]] understanding issue to [[MediaWiki:Challengeuser-description]] understanding issue: "I'm taking the Eagles w/ the spread".Jan 20 2023, 1:25 PM